
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (82)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Tell us about the most emotional scene you've ever read in a book-- and how did you react? 

Answer: Well, I can think of two moments, both in Nicholas Sparks books. Yeah, pretty much cried my eyes out while I was reading these. Good thing it was late at night because I was sitting in the dim light (only my bedside lamp was on) bawling my eyes out at like 1 am. Yeah, typically day in the life of me :) The two books were...

The Last Song (when Jonah figures out his dad is dying)
Oh my gosh, when Jonah learned that his dad had cancer and was going to die, so he threw a tantrum and started breaking the stained glass window he was making with his dad, I completely lost it. This little boy was having to face the facts that he was going to grow up without a dad and the things he said were so heartbreaking. I was a blubbering mess. 

A Walk to Remember (when Jamie walks down the aisle)
The moment when Jamie walks down the aisle at her wedding with Landon is so different in the book than how it happens in the movie. In the book, Jamie is so worn down from the Leukemia that she can barely even walk down the aisle, that's why it's the walk to remember. It was such a special, sad, touching moment and I was so sad when I was reading it. Landon and Jamie's love was so sweet and passionate that when she was having such a hard time walking down the aisle because she was so fragile just touched my heart. 

Have any of you read a scene so emotional, you couldn't help but cry your eyes out? I'd love to hear what they were! 


  1. i have not read those books I can't. I would be a mess lol

    Old Follower

    Michelle@Because Reading is better than real life

  2. Haven't read either of those, but saw both films. Totally get how they'd be emotional! Great picks! Old follower. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! ;D

  3. We picked the same book! Although for some reason, I was crying by the first few pages of A Walk to Remember and bawling by the time Jamie walked down the aisle!

    New follower via GFC

    Here's my FF

  4. Ooh I remember that in A Walk to Remember! That was the only book I ever read by him just before my paranormal days started. That one definitely got reactions out of me!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Jessica, I'm yet to read any Nicholas Spark books, but I've been looking forward to reading it.

    Jessica, how did you do your "Recent Posts"? I really like how it's done, is that some kind of HTML coding?

    Here's my Feature & Follow

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I haven't read either of these, but just reading your descriptions I can see why you chose them! So sad! ):

    New follower, by the way! (GFC)

    my feature & follow :))

    - Eleanor @ La p'tite bibliothèque

  7. Do I dare admit that I have not read a N. Sparks book! Check out my FF @FueledbyFiction

  8. I agree! Nicholas's Sparks's books are so emotional and a roller coaster of emotions! Great pick!

    My FF:

  9. Hopping through. Those are the two Sparks books I've read. Even though both are fairly predictable, I still cried :-0
    My Hop

  10. I've never read any of Sparks's books, but I remember the movie for A Walk to Remember. It was beautiful and heart breaking (and had Shane West!). I totally cried during it.

  11. I haven't read these books but I really want to!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. Thanks for stopping by :)
    I have yet to read a book by Nicholas Sparks D: D:
    Will have a look at "A Walk to Remember" :)
    New follower!

  13. I haven't read either of those books, but I've seen the movies. Both those scenes are definitely emotional.

  14. New Follower Via GFC. I have seen a few Nicholas Sparks movies and cried liked crazy. I have yet to read any of his novels.

    Have a great weekend
    My FF

  15. I find The notebook very emotional. There are so many beautiful moments <3

    Old follower.

  16. Nicholas Sparks can always elicit the tears! Never read one of his without tissues handy! LOL Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!

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