
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (80)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Activity! Hopefully warm weather for most of us is here tell us about your favorite outdoor reading spot. Or take a picture. 

Answer: Ha, read outside? Is that a joke? It snowed yesterday! And rained all day Monday! Coming from Ohio, you'd think I'd get used to the bipolar weather but it never ceases to amaze me. So I rarely read outside. I'd rather be snuggled up in my warm bed because I do most of my reading late at night anyways...

And seeing as I'm in bed right now with my electric blanket on, I'm too lazy to get up and take a picture of it. Haha, but just imagine me jumping into my bed with a really good book just like Ariel is in the gif above. Because I feel complete bliss when I get to settle down after a long day and simply enjoy the book I'm reading. 


  1. Love the Ariel clip!! Yeah, St. Louis isn't any better! Hot stifling summers with humidity and no cool breeze. Just hot mugginess! Then Springtime we get nice days, but then tornado weather is just around the corner from those days! So that's no fun at all! I get anxiety with every warning!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Love the Arielle clip! New follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Isn't reading in bed the best? ;)

  3. My daughter Loves Ariel. Her favorite princess!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog I am following you through GFC!!! Have a great night :)

  4. haha I've totally thought about that too, bipolar weather, because seriously, where I'm from, in California near the beach, we of course don't get snow, but sometimes it will rain randomly, then the next day, it's completely sunny :) weird but anyway thanks for stopping by my post.

    Old Follower.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've always wanted an electric blanket, but my mom seems to think that I will spontaneously pee myself (which I stopped doing about 12 years ago...) and get electrocuted!

  6. Love the Ariel gif! I read a lot at night as well - it's a great ending to every matter if they were stressful or fantastic. Thank you so much for stopping by my FF. Old follower :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  7. Haha! Love the video of Ariel. So many of us are dreaming of warm weather. Old follower stopping by :-)

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

  8. Reading in bed is most definitely the best! Also my prime reading spot ;)

    New Follower!

    - Nyx @ Unraveling Words

  9. Ahhh, snow. Yeah. That's a no go. Too bad. I love reading in bed.

  10. A electric blanket! You are such a lucky girl. Love that!
    And I understand you wouldn't read outside with such a weather.

    My FF

  11. We are neighbors and I completely understand the Bi-Polar weather and electric blankets!
    Happy Friday!!
    Here's my FF.

  12. Yah, my fav spot is buired in about 3 feet of snow and its been snowing non stop today. I miss summer.
    old follower
    my F&F

  13. I think snow is very pretty to look at, but I don't like getting out in it. I'm glad we don't get much! I spend several hours each night curled up in bed with my book. It's the best way to end the night. Thanks for stopping by! Old follower.
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  14. I definitely understand why you'd read inside! I read during the day, but usually by a window if it's sunny. That why I'm in the sun without being outside if it's a million degrees. lol.
    I'm an old follower.

    Here's my Feature and Follow Friday Post
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  15. I completely agree, most of my reading is done snuggled up in bed with a blanket. We had snow a couple of days ago too (I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland) and it's still freezing!
    I'm an old follower, here's my FF at Rookie Romance

  16. That sounds nice and cozy.

  17. yes, i can relate to your answer a lot... especially for the winter...

    Check out FFF Feature

  18. YES! Reading in bed is my FAVE. Thanks for stopping by. New follower. :)

  19. We both enjoy reading INSIDE!! Have I mentioned I love your blog design? I think I have but I thought I should tell you again. LOve it. Thanks for stopping by.

  20. Oh i love reading in bed too! propped up with lots of pillows and snuggled in the warm blankets :D And i love listening to audiobooks in bed as well :)

  21. bed with an electric blanket is pretty perfect!

    old follower :)

    My FF

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  22. Very true, reading in my bed is also at the moment my favorite spot! Since the weather here in London is also extremely bi-polar, haha ;) But in the summer i definitely look forward to sit outside in the sun in a nice park :)

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

  23. Haha I can completely sympathise with that! Loooove my bed for reading :).

    Thanks for stopping by!

  24. I love reading in bed, specially when the weather outside is not good :)
    Thnks for stopping by
    Ruty@MY FF

  25. I read in bed most of the time, I love reading a good book just before going to sleep :) (LOVE THE CLIP)

    Here's My FF

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  26. Lol, it snowed in here yesterday, too :)
    And I agree, reading in bed is The.Best!

    Old follower.

  27. Electric blanket. Oh yeah, I wouldn't leave from there either, lol. Thanks for stopping by :)

  28. I do alot of late night reading too, so my bed is the perfect place to do it!! We have bi-polar weather here too. We literally had a tornado warning and snow in the same week!

    Old GFC Follower, now following via Twitter

    My FF

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  29. I do have to say reading in bed is way better than reading outside. Thanks for sharing and visiting my FF. Old GFC Follower, New Twitter Follower. =]

  30. My bed is my favorite place to read too. This was a really hard question for me to answer. I totally understand the miserable weather in Ohio, I grew up there and couldn't wait to leave. Thanks for visiting my FF, I'm an old follower.

  31. LOL! I love your answer! It's super hot in California even though it rained like last week! I love the gif too! Fun answer!

    My FF:

  32. I totally understand teh bipolar weather. A few days ago we had almost spring-like temperatures here in Central New York, and now it's freezing and snowing again.

    Also, I'm not one to read outside either. And I LOVE reading in bed, although I love when I can stay in bed and read in the morning. So relaxing.

  33. Bipolar weather! Oh my! I'd fall sick everyday with the weather change! ;) Your spot is very nice! Reading in bed is the way to go.

    Old follower!

    Thank you for stopping by my F&FF earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  34. Ariel!! I love her, well she's second after Mulan anyways.
    Ah reading in bed. Anything comfy and squishy does for me.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. =)

  35. LOL to the bipolar weather. Looks those in the midwest to the east have that problem, but those of us in the southwest would love to see the snow. So I'll send you "hurry up warm weather," vibes while I melt in the heat.

    Thanks for stopping by Literary etc! :)

  36. It snowed here over the weekend too. Where are you at?
