
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Book Review: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

Going Vintage
By Lindsey Leavitt
Release Date: March 26, 2013
Source: Publisher
Summary: When Mallory’s boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in1962, Mallory swears off technology and returns to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn’t cheat with computer avatars). The List:
1. Run for pep club secretary
2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree
3. Sew a dress for Homecoming
4. Find a steady
5. Do something dangerous
But simple proves to be crazy-complicated, and the details of the past begin to change Mallory’s present. Add in a too-busy grandmother, a sassy sister, and the cute pep-club president–who just happens to be her ex’s cousin–and soon Mallory begins to wonder if going vintage is going too far.

Review: Oh man, you have no idea how excited I was when this book showed up in my mailbox the other day. I started the book that night and finished it the next day. And you know what? I completely fell in love with this novel. 

Mallery has had a pretty good life since she moved to a new school a little over a year ago. But when she figures out her boyfriend cheated on her with a cyberwife, Mallery swears of technology. Inspired by a list made by her Grandmother when she was a junior in 1962, Mallery decides to go vintage and complete the list as a way to redefine her life and truly discover who she is. But the list isn't as easy as it seems, and Mallery learns a whole lot more about not only herself, but the people in her life as well. 

This book was just too awesome. In honor of Mallery and her adorable need to list everything in her life, here's a list of everything I loved about Going Vintage. 

1. Mallery. This girl is seriously amazing. I loved her whole independent attitude and quirkiness, especially how she isn't afraid to be who she is. Her whole vintage kick was so fun and makes me want to go out, buy a fluffy dress, and dial up my sister on a rotary phone. 

2. The 1960s obsession. Vintage is such a fun thing to explore, especially when it's from the 60s, so I loved it when Mallery would discover new things about her Grandma's life as a teen in the 60s. That time period sounds so simple and fun. 

3. Oliver. Can I have him? Please??? 

4. Mallery's family/friends. Seriously, it's one thing for a book to have an awesome main character, but it's even more awesome for the book to have awesome secondary characters (Yes, I'm aware that I just said awesome three times in one sentence). Mallery's sister is so much fun and I loved their super close relationship. Then, the storyline with Mallery's grandma was so perfect for this book. And, we can't forget Mallery's parents! All of the little added storylines in this book made it all that more addicting. 

5. The quirkiness. I know I already said that Mallery was quirky, but this entire book was quirky and utterly lovable. This kind of reminds me of something Stephanie Perkins would write, which probably explains why I adore it so much. 

So if you couldn't tell, I loved this book. I wish I could read it over again for the first time because it was just so cute and perfect. Every contemporary YA fan has to go out and pick up this book right now. Mallery is a character you have to meet because you're bound to absolutely love her. Going Vintage is definitely a book you don't want to miss out on. 


  1. Yayyy! I have this one coming up for review soon, so I didn't read your review... But I love that you gave it 5 stars!! The cover pulled me in at first glance, I'm glad to see there's a great story to go along with it! :)

  2. I am super excited to read this one, I have seen some mixed reviews but I have heard they are awesome!

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven

  3. I love the sound of this book! Thanks for the review.
