
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon

So I literally just found this read-a-thon about 10 minutes ago hosted by My Shelf Confessions and I thought it sounded super fun! I've never done a read-a-thon before, so I thought I'd join in! This one's a week long, so I figured I could totally keep up with my goals! 

Books to read: 

That's right! Five books in 7 days. But I'm totally determine to do it :) Are you guys participating?? Let me know what your goals are as well!


  1. I'm a first time Read-a-Thon participant as well. Perusasion is one of my favorite books. I linked up and hope to hear from you more this week. Good luck reaching your goal, I finished my first book in the wee hours of this morning.

  2. So jealous you get to read Reckless! How did you get it early?
