
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Bookish Moments

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Best Bookish Moments

1. When my mom surprised me for Christmas last year with a box of books I had put on my Christmas wish list on my blog. It was such a surprise! And I got a ton of books I had wanted, so I was one happy girl :)
2. When I got my first signed copy of a Jennifer Echols book. I had tweeted that I had put her book as an answer for a Follow Friday question and she emailed me asking if I wanted to review one of her books and she sent me a copy, which I opened up to find out was signed. She's one of my favorite authors, so of course I flipped out. 
3. When City of Glass by Cassandra Clare came out, my sister and our best friend Alexa went to Barnes & Noble right when they opened, got the book, and read all morning together. It was the first time I got a book the day it came out and right it right then. 
4. When I read Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles. I discovered one of my favorite authors of all time!
5. When I first went to Half Price Books. I seriously don't know what I'd do without that store. 
6. When I first joined Goodreads in January 2011. Five months later I created my blog and have found a whole new world that I love. 
7. When I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. That was probably the first classic I read and really loved and turned me on to opening myself up to the classics. I've read some amazing literature since then. 
8. Going to the Harry Potter movie premieres. I was still young when all of the books came out, so I didn't go to any of the midnight releases for those. But going to the Harry Potter movie midnight releases are probably some of the best memories I've ever had relating to books. 
9. When I bought my nook. I have been able to read SO many more books thanks to my handy little e-reader :)
10. When I figured out my college's library had a teen section. What college library carries teen books? Teen books that are actually up to date? That's right, mine! Haha, I absolutely love my library and now I don't have to go far at all to get some new YA books to read. 


  1. I love the Half price book store and I wish there was one closer to my house, because the nearest one is an hour and a half away. I really want to read Wuthering Hieghts.
    old follower
    my TTT

  2. I remember being excited when I found my college library had a decent selection of kid's picture books (I was an elemetary ed major), and DANGIT the day I had the urge to read If you Give a Mouse a Cookie would have been perfect for this list! thanks for reminding me of it, it was such a random day that involved taco bell at 10 am (we had to wait for it to open lol) and finding that book at the library.

  3. A box of books! Best present ever! ;)

    I was quite lucky when it came to midnight HP book releases - I wouldn't got to go but my sister is almost 8 years older than me and went so obviously I couldn't be left out!

    Great list btw!

    Alex @ Like, Words and Stuff

  4. I love your enitre list! I would love to get a box of books from my wishlist!! Your mom is fab! And I wish I would've put joining Goodreads on my list too... because that's what lead me into starting my blog as well :)

    Here's My TTT

  5. That was so nice of Jennifer Echols! I have yet to read any of her or Simone Elkeles books but they are on my list :) Also, that is so cool that your college library had YA books!!

    My TTT post

  6. I know exactly what you mean about the excitement of reading a book on the day it comes out and especially reading it with other people who have been waiting for it too! For me, that was Harry Potter. But I had a mini repeat of that moment when I got my hands on Marissa Meyer's Scarlet today :)

    And I lovedddd Perfect Chemistry. I reread it immediately after I finished it and recommended it to a friend. But I actually haven't read any of the sequels yet!!! Agh! Need to do that!

    Great list!
    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  7. Wow, that sounds like an awesome gift from your mom :)

  8. City of Glass <3 <3 It's my favourite one <3 And I remember the day I got my Kindle <3 <3 Best day EVER :D I'm a happy girl since then - never really alone :P Awesome top 10!
