
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors That I'd Put On My Auto-Buy List

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Authors I'd Put On My Auto-Buy List

1. Nicholas Sparks 
I really don't think I need to explain this one. Seriously, anyone who knows me knows that I'm obsessed with him. I only have two books to go before I've read every single one of his books. Every time a new book is coming out, I always pre-order it so that I have it the moment it comes out! The man's a genius when it comes to romance. 

2. Jennifer Echols
Ever since I read The Boys Next Door, I've been obsessed with Jennifer Echols. And now that she's branching out into New Adult and Adult Romance, I'm more excited than ever to read them. Seriously, I haven't read a book by this woman that I haven't loved!

3. Eloisa James
Fairytale retellings are some of my favorites, so it's no wonder I fell in love with Eloisa's fairytale romances. They are so amazing and I am so ecstatic every time a new book of her's comes out. The next one is about Rapunzel and it comes out in May. It's definitely on my to-buy list :)

4. JK Rowling
I don't know what I'd do without JK Rowling. When The Casual Vacancy came out, I knew it wasn't going to be anything like Harry Potter, but I wanted to read it anyways. I've got myself a copy, now all it's going to take is me actually finding the time to read it!

5. Stephanie Perkins
Oh my goodness, who doesn't love Anna and the French Kiss? I went crazy when Lola and the Boy Next Door came out and now I'm very impatiently waiting for Isla and the Happily Ever After to come out! How do they expect me to wait until September to read her next book???

6. Kieran Scott
I didn't know it, but I've been a Kieran Scott fan for FOREVER. She writes under the pen name Kate Brian and Emma Harrison, and I'm obsessed with the books by those names as well as her books as Kieran Scott. And I had no idea the same person was writing those books! Needless to say, I'm a fan of her writing no matter what her name is. 

7. Sophie Kinsella
Sophie's books are just so gosh darn amazing and I can't help but become completely immersed in each and every one of them. They're so witty and charming! This girl definitely knows how to write those adult contemporaries. 

8. Jessi Kirby
Ever since I read her first novel Moonglass, I have been a die hard Jessi Kirby fan. I've eagerly awaited the release of In Honor and managed to get my hands on an ARC of her newest novel Golden. To say I'm over the moon excited to get into that one is definitely an understatement! 

9. Cassandra Clare
I'm pretty sure it was Cassandra Clare who got me turned onto the paranormal/fantasy genre and I couldn't be more thankful. Her writing is amazing and the worlds she creates are just impossible not to love. I haven't started her Infernal Devices series, but I do have copies sitting on my shelf! I'm so excited for the day I can finally sit down and read that series because I just know I'm going to love it. 

10. Simone Elkeles
If there's one YA series I'm absolutely obsessed with, it's definitely the Perfect Chemistry series by Simone. Her Leaving Paradise series would have to be close behind. Simone definitely knows how to give you a YA contemporary romance that you will obsess over. It's been forever since she's released a new book and I'm absolutely dying to read something new by her. Her new series Fullriders is supposed to come out in 2013, but that's all I know. I need that book now!


  1. Oh I've read a lot of books by Nicholas Sparks :) Also JK Rowling I still have to read the new book :) I agree about Casandra Clare :) Great list :)

  2. Great list! Stephanie Perkins almost made my list, I'm so looking forward to Isla and the Happily Ever After. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my post! :)

  3. 8 over 10 of your list is definitely on mine too. Great list! :D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  4. You must post about Casual Vacancy when you've read it. I often wonder whether HP fans will like it or not. :)

  5. Great list! It's been a while since I've read any of Nicholas Sparks or Sophie Kinsella's books but I remember enjoying a number of their past novels. I've been meaning to read Rowling's Casual Vacancy...hopefully sometime this year...

    Here's my TTT

  6. The only reason JKR wasn't on my list was that I didn't actually buy The Casual Vacancy. I read it, I think it should still count :D

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Great list! I've been told I HAVE to read Echols at some point - may have to move that up!

  8. I used to be so faithful to Nicholas Sparks, but I haven't read the last few of his.
    I really need to read a Simone Elkeles book soon!! Everyone seems to love her stuff.

  9. I've been seeing J.K. Rowling on a lot of people's lists -- and with good reason! Great Top Ten.

  10. Great list! I haven't read any Simone Elkeles but have heard GREAT things! Will have to push them up my TBR list now. :)

    Christine x

  11. Wow how did I not know that Kate Brian and Kieran Scott were the same person!! I've read and loved both and never knew LOL! I also love Stephanie Perkins and Sophie Kinsella. I need to make time to read The Casual Vacancy too, it's been sitting collecting dust for too long!

    Here's My TTT

  12. I'm still trying to decide whether I want to read The Casual Vacancy...

  13. Believe it or not I think I watched at least 10 movies based on Nicholas Sparks books, but I still did not read any of them.
    Before Casual Vacancy I would add JK Rowling to my list, but she went to a genre that I do not read so I did not buy (or plan to buy) that book.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams

  14. I love J.K. Rowling and I enjoyed The Casual Vacancy. Nothing like Harry Potter.

  15. I have not read anything by Nicholas Sparks yet! I've seen a couple of the movies, and loved them, but haven't picked up a book by him yet. And of course, JK Rowling is amazing! Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  16. Simone Elkeles and Jennifer Echols are both on my list. They are fantastic authors :).
    old follower
    my TTT

  17. Ooh I forgot about Stephanie Perkins. As much as I loved Anna, I think I loved Lola's book even more. :)

  18. I have Rowling and Cassie Clare on my list as well :) I've read 2 Nicholas Sparks books and I need to check out more!

    My TTT!

  19. Great list you got there. I know most of the authors and would consider buying them but not on my auto buy.

    Thanks for dropping by!

  20. Great list! Yet another reminder I really need to read Stephanie Perkins, haha, she's on so many lists today xD Thanks for stopping by my list!

  21. I just know that if not in top ten, Sparks, Kinsella and Echols are definitely on my top twenty auto-buy list. Others I have yet to read. Also, we share some authors. Yay =D

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  22. I just read Anna and the French Kiss this month and LOVED IT! It was so sweet and funny! Haven't read Stephanie Perkins other book yet, but I want to. And I can't believe I forgot to put Cassandra Clare on my TTT list. She would definitely be there as well.

    I haven't read most of these, but they all sound like great choices! Thanks for visiting my blog!


  23. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    You've got some fantastic Authors on your list. I have Jennifer Echols, Cassandra Clare and Simone Elkeles' books in my TBR. I also had Sophie Kinsella on my Top Ten list.

    Have a great week :D

  24. I read my very first Nick Sparks books this year. I enjoyed it and I am going to check out a few of his other ones. I am curious about them. Again, I hang my head in shame at forgetting to add Jo Rowling to my list. What was I thinking?

    Happy Reading.

  25. I never realized that Kieran Scott was all of those people! It makes sense now...

    Simone Elkeles is on my to-read list and I'm excited that my library had Lola and the Boy Next Door available the other day so I can get my Stephanie Perkins fix.

    Thank you for stopping by my TTT this week :)

  26. Interesting list! I haven't read The Casual Vaccancy yet, might wait until it's out in paperback, and I keep seeing Cassandra Clare books all over the place (including my own house!) so maybe it's time I gave one a try.

  27. I really need to pick up a book by Jessi Kirby. I've heard wonderful things about her.

  28. I definitely need to start reading Jennifer Echols! Great list!

  29. J.K. Rowling and Cassie Clare are also on my list, but I ran out of numbers! I'll read whatever they come out with (though I still need to read The Casual Vacancy). I loved the Perfect CHemistry series and after meeting Simone Elkeles in person (she's freakin awesome!) I'll be buying whatever she writes! And who doesn't love that Stephy Perkins!

  30. I have followed the man on twitter, become his on facebook, gone crazy dreaming about him, but .... I haven't read any of his books :p
    Yes, I'm talking about Nicholas Sparks. I'm not Mystery/Thrillers and so I never get time to read other things
    Is it okay, if I start with Notebook?

    Kero from Kero's Book Blog

  31. Thanks for stopping by my post, and sorry for replying so late :/
    I really want to read Such A Rush by Jennifer Echols! It sounds awesome and I've read something inolving teen pilots before.
    Oh, and I loved Anna and the French Kiss ^^
