
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (42)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I'm home this weekend and I had all of these AMAZING books waiting for me. I'm so excited to get into them! I'm reading The Queen Is Dead right now and it's so good! I can't wait to get into Jessi Kirby's new book too. She's one of my favorite authors, so Golden is bound to be an awesome read. 

From Giveaway

I won this one from a giveaway and it looks like a fun read!

From Edelweiss 

Gahhhh I am SO excited for this one! Jennifer Echols is literally my favorite author, so when I had the offer to review an e-galley of her new adult book (as in the genre NA, not normal adult. Haha, that's  confusing), I pretty much flipped out. I can't wait to see how this one turns out! 

And that's it for me! I'd say it was a pretty awesome week :) What did you all add to your shelves this week?


  1. These look like some awesome books!

  2. GAH, so many great books. I am sooo jealous right now. The only books that I've read that you got are The Coffin Club and Impossible. I highly enjoyed both. :D I hope you enjoy all the other books that you got as well. and Thanks for stopping by. ^_^

  3. I hear that Kate Locke series is amzeballs! enjoy!

  4. Impossible looks like a pretty good read! And I love the cover :) You got an awesome haul!

    My Haul!

  5. A very impressive haul indeed. I hope you love all your new books indeed.

  6. Looks like a great stack! I'lll have to try out Kate Locke's series when I get the chance.

  7. Golden looks really good. I love the cover! I haven't read anything by Jennifer Echols but I'm hoping to soon. Happy reading! :)

  8. Jesus! You got Reckless and the new J.Echols book! So jealous. I rarely get approved on Edelweiss. They probably don't like me.

  9. Great haul! The Fairest Beauty is one of the books I am most excited for in 2013. I hope you like it :).
    old follower
    my StS

  10. I really need to try the Kate Locke series it sounds so good! Happy reading!

  11. Thanks for stopping by - hope you enjoy the reads! I still have yet to read the first Kate Locke book, but it's on my shelf.

    Here's my shelf additions for this week.

  12. I loved Impossible and hope you do, too!

    Happy reading!

    My StS Post :)

  13. Wow! What a great haul. There are so many great books in here.

    Here's my book haul.

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

  14. Golden and a new Jennifer Echols - yay! I hope you love 'em both!

  15. Reckless looks good. Some of the other covers looked good too. Don't know a whole lot about them.

  16. Gosh, I haven't read a V.C. Andrews book in so long, and that cover of Forbidden Sister makes me want to change that. I hope you enjoy all your goodies. Happy Reading!

  17. OOh awesome!! I have to read The Queen is Dead myself! Bought that one awhile back! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  18. omg i am so excited for the jennifer echols book too! she is one of my favorite contemporary authors!! and all these amazing books! really want to read Golden :D

    awesome book haul
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  19. Wow. Lots of great books for you. I still need to read Thoughtless.

  20. Oooh Golden looks gorgeous! And I loved Impossible! It was definitely a memorable read for me! Enjoy all your new books! :)

  21. Eeeeppp!!!! GOLDEN! Sweet haul! Enjoy your reads!

    Here's my Showcase Sunday

    PS: LOVE your blog's layout. Reminds me a lot of Tumblr ;)

    PPS: New GFC follower :)

  22. Jennifer Echols is awesome and I still have a lot of books of hers to get to! I've heard great things about Kate Locke and Jessi Kirby but haven't read any of their books yet. Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Lots of pretty books! Golden sounds amazing. Enjoy!

  24. Wow, lots of great books! I really need to start The Queen Is Dead soon, I loved the first book :)

    Hapy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  25. Love the cover of Golden! I'm excited for Levitating Las Vegas as well, especially since it's NA. :D

  26. The only one I've read in your haul is Impossible -- dark and different. The new Echols book looks interesting! Enjoy! Thanks for visiting.

  27. You did have an amazing haul. I liked Impossible. Haven't read any of the others but will be eager to hear what you think about them. Happy reading!

  28. Cool haul! I actually got The Bf App this week too! :) Hope we both have fun :D
    Stacking the Shelves
    Review: Dare You To

  29. Forbidden Sister sounds great! Lots of great books for you this week! Hope you love all your new reads <3!

  30. Oh I didn't know Jennifer Echols had a NA book coming out. Must investigate! Great books this week - enjoy!

  31. I haven't heard of these books, I hope you enjoy them!
    Thanks for visiting my blog :)
    ~Ailsa @ The Book Bundle

  32. I haven't heard of any of these yet. Sounds like you're keeping up to date with all the new books which is more than I can say for myself. Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  33. I love Jessi Kirby so much and I can't wait to get my hands on Golden! Great haul this week I hope you enjoy all the new goodies!

  34. So many pretty covers! I've had my eyes on The Queen is Dead for a while now and I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Golden and The Coffin Club look great as well :)
    Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

  35. i really want to read golden. and so many pretty covers. awesome books! enjoy and happy reading :)

    our StS


  36. Ooh Levitating Las Vegas sounds good! I'm still debating if I want to read The Queen is Dead since I didn't care too much for the first book.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  37. I haven't heard of a lot of those titles! I'll have to check them out! Thanks for sharing :) Happy Reading!

  38. Ohh I am really looking forward to reading The Fairest Beauty!

    Happy Reading!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

    Ashley @The Quiet Concert
