
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (75)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Activity: Write a letter to your favorite character. Rant, rave, or gush...just pretend that they are real and you want to let them know a "few things."


Dearest Daemon Black, 

I love you. 

And will you do a vlog with me? Because that would be so completely cool when you did one with Katy for her book blog. I've got to admit, I was insanely jealous of Katy and SHE'S NOT EVEN REAL. See how crazy you make me? And will you give me a cute nickname too? I'll pretend to hate it while secretly doing a happy dance every time you use it... 

Did I mention I love you? Okay, I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say. 

Sending you my undying love, 

***For those of you who don't know, Daemon black is from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series. If you haven't done so, READ IT NOW. Seriously, it's an awesome series. And it has Daemon :)


  1. Hahaha! I wrote to Daemon too. I'm also kind of in love with him, but I'm hoping he has a long lost older brother for me. After all, he is kind of young for me :( . But heck yeah, I would be all over him doing a vlog with me!!!

  2. Hahah!! Nice! I started to write to Daemon myself, but then it got a little inappropriate! Instead I decided to do a rant letter!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I need to check this book out! Great use of gifs and oooh I see you're reading Elizabeth Hoyt's Lord of Darkness. How do you like so far? I can't wait for its release.

    Jessica @ Literary etc
    (new follower via GFC, but old follower on Twitter)

  4. hahah the gifs really add to the charm of the letter. great job.

    Check out my Follow Friday

  5. I love how you have a gif in your FFs. Your letter was very entertaining and funny!

  6. I really enjoyed you letter and pictures, even though I did not read the book :D

    Follow & Feature
    The Boys of Summer Giveaway

  7. So many Feature & Follow Friday letters are directed to him LOL

    Jessica have you listed your blog yet? Pls consider listing your blog at YA Blogosphere. If your interested pls email me on

    My Feature & Follow Friday

  8. Great letter!
    Damon should leave Kate and be with you :)


  9. Hehe love it! So I haven't read this series yet... but I do have it sitting on my shelf, and you've definitely convinced me to read it... and soon! :)

  10. I haven't read this series. Shame on me! I day..
    But, that guy must be hot. There are way too many letters for him. :)

    New follower via GFC.
    And yes, I love cupcakes too.

    J'adore Happy Endings

  11. lol i just love it when you put in those gif's soooo funny ! love it girl! old follower Check out My F&F ~ Katie @ Inkk

  12. Just blogging by, love the dancing lol.

  13. I've only read Obsidian, but I am definitely with you on the love for Daemon. I need to get caught up soon! Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  14. The Gifs made this for me, great letter I must check out this series cause the male sounds extremely hot :')

    New Follower Via GFC
    I wrote to Kaiden Rowe@ Annoushka Reads

  15. Nice!!!!! Might have to look into this series!
    New follower, come visit me.....My Feature and Follow

  16. "See how crazy you make me." Awesome letter. And that you asked him to do a vlog. Ha! Old follower here. Here's my FF.

  17. Hi,
    I need to read Lux series!! I see it everywhere!!:)

    I am a new follower and a new member in Feature and Follow. Here is my 1st post

    Hope you will follow back. :)
