
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Book Review: Timekeeper by Alexandra Monir

By Alexandra Monir
Release Date: January 8, 2013
Source: Publisher
Summary: When Philip Walker appears as a new student in Michele Windsor's high school class, she is floored. He is the love she thought she lost forever when they said goodbye during her time travels last century. Overjoyed that they can resume the relationship they had a lifetime ago, Michele eagerly approaches him and discovers the unthinkable: he doesn't remember her. In fact, he doesn't seem to remember anything about the Philip Walker of 1910.

Michele then finds her father's journals, which tell stories of his time-traveling past. As she digs deeper, she learns about his entanglement with a mysterious and powerful organization called the Time Society and his dealings with a vengeful Windsor ancestor. Michele soon finds herself at the center of a rift over 120 years in the making, one whose resolution will have life-or-death consequences.

Alexandra Monir's Timekeeper combines breathtaking romance with a tale of complex magic in a sequel that will have every reader believing in the transcendent power of love.

Review: I haven't read the first book in this series, but one look at this cover and I knew I couldn't wait to read this one. So I did!

Philip walks into Michele's classroom and she's completely floored. Everything about Philip is exactly like the guy she fell in love with in the first book, right down to his name. The only problem? Philip lives in 1910 and it's 2010. How is it possible that Philip is here now? This new Philip has no idea who Michele is, which hurts her more than she could ever imagine. On top of that, a ghost from her father's past has traveled to Michele's time to kill her. She has seven days to figure out how to stop this ghost before she can finish Michele off and ruin the life of time traveling she was just coming to love.

Despite the fact that I missed the first book, I absolutely loved this one. Everything I needed to know was recapped in the beginning and caught me up on where Michele is now. Michele is such a likable character and I loved how she wasn't too whiny about her whole situation, but rather took it in stride and tried to solve her problems herself. And then there's Philip. I'm really sad I didn't get to see them fall in love in the first book, but knowing him in this book was still pretty awesome. He's so confused on why he has this pull towards a girl he has never met before, and it's so adorable how he deals with that whole situation. 

In this book, we learn more about Michele's dad and the mysterious Time Society. There was a lot of mystery that Michele had to solve, along with very cool elements of time travel. I haven't read that many time travel books before, but this one definitely makes me wish I had! There's nothing like falling for someone who lives in a whole other time. 

If you read the first book in this series, you definitely have to pick up Timekeeper to see what happens next to Michele and Philip. If you haven't, I would recommend picking up the first one before you read this one. But if you can't wait, you can still read Timekeeper without feeling like you missed too much. Either way, you have to read this one!

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I really want to read this one, but I have no desire to read the first one. I'm happy to hear that you read Timekeeper without reading the first one and you were able to follow along. Thanks for sharing :)
