
Friday, February 1, 2013

Author Interview: Rachel Coker

I'm so excited to share this interview today with you! I have Rachel Coker here to talk to all of the followers at Peace Love Books about her newest book Chasing Jupiter!

Rachel Coker resides in Lanexa, Virginia with her parents, who’ve homeschooled her since she was a child, and two sisters. She is the author of 2012’s Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words. Coker has a passion for great books and has been surrounded by them all her life. Her gift for writing became apparent at the age of eleven, at which time her parents, who owned a Christian bookstore, signed her up for a year of lessons with a professional writing coach.

In three words, how would you describe Chasing Jupiter?
Nostalgic, sweet, funny.

If you could be anyone from Chasing Jupiter, who would you be and why?
In all honesty, probably Cliff. I know his life is incredibly difficult, but there’s just something so precious about being able to view life and the world from such an honest viewpoint.

Chasing Jupiter takes place in 1969 when Neil Armstrong first steps on the moon. Why did you decide to write a story during that time?
I wanted to create a story that, while grounded in historical events, felt modern and relatable to today’s teenage readers. 1969 was a crazy year where so many things were happening in the world. And yet, despite the chaos, it’s about one girl trying to discover herself in the strangeness of life. It felt so similar to the world today. Everything’s changing and bustling about so quickly that it’s easy for us to feel lost in the flow.

How did you go about writing a historical fiction novel? Was there a lot of research involved?
Well, luckily, 1969 was only forty years ago! So many people that I know were actually teens or young people during that time. So it was easy to talk to my parents’ friends and learn about life during that time period. So much better than studying history textbooks!

Chasing Jupiter is your second published novel and you’re only 17. How does it feel getting published so young?
It’s completely humbling. I realize that there are people who have been trying to get published longer than I’ve been alive, and that I’ve completely beaten the odds. But I just feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity and I’m very aware of the fact that other young writers look up to me. Like I said, it’s humbling, and I’m just trying my best to set a precedent for other teen writers to come behind me!

Why writing? Where there ever a defining moment where you realized that was what you wanted to do?
I honestly don’t even know. Ever since the day I wrote my first short story in sixth grade, I’ve just been naturally drawn to writing. I need to express myself in that way. There are other things I’m interested in, but writing just comes so naturally for me and I love that I can touch and minister to others through that talent!

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I own my own portrait and wedding photography business. I teach piano. I study accounting and economics so I can actually pass high school. I hang out with my sisters and friends and enjoy life as a semi-normal teenage girl!

What’s your favorite color?
Orange. Or yellow. Or hot pink. ;)

What’s your favorite book and why?
“Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. No book has ever touched my soul or made me sympathize so strongly with a person or a cause as that book did. But I’ll also always have a strong emotional bond to “Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson, because that’s the book that made me want to be a writer back when I was nine or ten years old.

What can we expect from you next?
Hopefully I’ll graduate high school! And then I pray that I’ll have the opportunity to write more books and experience more of life. I’m really hoping to have another Rachel Coker title out next year!

Thanks so much! 


I want to thank Rachel so much for being a guest on Peace Love Books today! Here's a little bit more about her new novel...
Chasing Jupiter
By Rachel Coker
Release Date: December 26, 2012
Summary: Scarlett Blaine's life in 1960s Georgia isn't always easy, especially given her parents' financial struggles and the fights surrounding her sister Juli's hippie lifestyle. Then there's her brother, Cliff. While Scarlett loves him more than anything, there's no denying his unique behavior leaves Cliff misunderstood and left out. So when he wishes for a rocket to Jupiter, Scarlett agrees to make it happen, no matter how crazy the idea might be. Raising the rocket money means baking pies, and the farmer's son, Frank, agrees to provide the peaches if Scarlett will help him talk to Juli. The problem is, Scarlett really enjoys her time with Frank, and finds herself wondering if, someday, they could be more than friends. Just as she thinks everything might be going her way, Cliff suffers an accident that not only affects the rocket plans, but shakes Scarlett's view of God. As the summer comes to an end, Scarlett must find a way to regain what she's lost, but also fulfill a promise to launch her brother's dream. ***Check out my review here***

For more information about Rachel and her newest release Chasing Jupiter, check out these sites: 

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