
Monday, January 21, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Settings I'd Like to See More Of

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week! 

This Week's Topic: Top Settings I'd Like to See More Of

Oooh what a good question! When I read a book, I like it to sit me down and take me to a world I've never been to. 

But I've never thought where I'd go if I could actually choose. Here's what I came up with! 

1. France I LOVED Anna and the French Kiss :)
2. Ireland I don't think I've ever read a YA book set in Ireland. I would love to be able to read about a yummy Irish romance!
3. England England's just awesome. There are definitely not enough of books there. 
4. Australia The few books I've read with Australian characters have been awesome. I'd love to actually see them go to Australia.  
5. Bookstores I love it when the main character works in a bookstore. I can connect with them so much more and love when they have scenes there. 
6. Maine I don't know why, but this state seems so calm and serene when I think about it. It'd be cool to read more books that take place there. 
7. Lake Houses Some of the best books I've read took place during the summer at a lake house (The Summer series by Jenny Han and The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols). 
8. New York As popular a state as New York is, I don't think I've read a lot that have taken place in the cities there. I read Dash and Lily's Book of Dares and fell in love with their adventures through NYC. 
9. Italy I think I've read maybe one or two books that take place in Italy. It's such a romantic country that I don't know why romance writers don't use it more often. 
10. Ohio Okay, so maybe I'm a little biased because I'm from Ohio, but I get SO excited when a book takes place in this lovely state. I actually know the setting! But it doesn't happen all too often, so I think it'd be awesome if more books I read took place in my state :)

And that's my top ten! What did you guys put on your lists this week? 


  1. I recommend Twenties Girl by Sophia Kinsella. It takes place in London. It's one of my all-time favorites. The storyline is fantastic. It has charm & wit. I think you'll like it :)

  2. A Long Way From You by Gwendolyn Heasley is set in New York. It was really adorable and lots of fun to read.

    The only book I can think of that is set in Ireland is Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon but I really didn't like it. Also, there is Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning. I haven't read it yet, but I think it's set in Ireland.

    I definitely agree with the lake house idea. The only books I've read that have been set there have been thriller or horror books. But they're the perfect setting for that type of book so I'm not surprised.

    Pretty Deadly Reviews

  3. Love your post! and your blog!! I'm a new follower if you have time come by and check out mine :)


  4. I have bookstores on my list, too. Great choices. I agree with all of them. I feel like I don't see enough of Italy.
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday Post
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  5. Can't go wrong with any of your choices! I love London-based chick lit especially. They can take mini-breaks on the weekends and if they need to see their families, they are just a convenient drive/train ride away. Plus you can take the Chunnel for a quick adventure in Paris, non?

    Here's my list: Top Ten Tuesday

    Audrey @ Ink and Page

  6. Great list, Jessica! France, Ireland, England, and New York are on my list too. I *think* the only YA book set in Ireland I've come across is There You'll Find Me by Jenny B Jones (I own it but haven't read it yet). I also completely agree about Italy - like Paris, it's super romantic, authors should utilize that!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  7. You're right. Ohio, the whole region really, has been woefully underused in literature.

  8. Awesome list!!! I also love it when the main charcter in a book loves books too, because it makes it so easy to connect with that character.
    old follower
    my ttt

  9. I don't know about Maine being calm and serene... Half or more of Stephen King's books are set there.

  10. Perfect! I completely fogot about bookstores. The perfect setting (:

  11. Bookstores would be a great setting! I'd love to see more books set in Ireland and Italy as well. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. great list! Have you ever read the Artemis Fowl series? They take place in Ireland. As for Ohio- I've never been there, but the books that I've read that feature the setting describe it magnificently so i'm sure it beautiful! And totally agree about the bookstore scenes:)

  13. Great choices. I love numbers 5, 6, 7, and 9.

  14. Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity, I can help you solve any problem you are having
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) If you want to stop having bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) If you want to stop your divorce.
    (10 If you want to divorce your husband.
    (11) If you want your wishes to be granted.
    contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:
