
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I resolve to read in 2013

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. I thought it sounded fun, so I decided to try it out! 

This week's topic: Top 10 books I resolve to read in 2013

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Insurgent - Veronica Roth
A Game of Thrones - George R. R. Martin


Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
The Night Circus - Erin Morganstern
Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein

A Million Suns - Beth Revis

And that makes 10! Have you guys read any of them? What would you recommend that I read first? I'd love some help, so please let me know :)


  1. i definatly have to start reading more, especialy the George R.R. Martin books! i sitll have to read divergent as well.

  2. Great picks, Insurgent, CP, GoT, TFiOS and Hobbit are all great reads! Enjoy :)

    Happy New Year!

  3. I read Pride and Prejudice some years ago and hated it. For me, the love story has no sense at all. I really loved Death Comes to Pemberley though, a crime sequel to P&P.

  4. Clockwork Prince is so good! I love the Infernal Devices books.

    I also have George R.R. Martin on my list too.

  5. The Fault in Our Stars is amazing! Intelligent and heartbreaking. I've been meaning to read Beautiful Creatures for awhile too.

  6. Great choices! I actually need to read Beautiful Creatures and The Fault in our Stars myself.

    My Top Ten

  7. Oh, you should definitely read Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars soon! They are awesome :) I still need to read Clockwork Angel, Beautiful Creatures and the entire Obsidian and Across the Universe series, but I'm looking forward to reading those this year! Happy New Year and happy reading! :)

  8. How haven't you read Insurgent yet after Divergent?
    Haha enjoy =)

  9. I loved Insurgent, A Game of Thrones, The Night Circus and A Million Suns - so hope you get to them soon :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  10. Several of yours would make my list. I'm reading Beautiful Creatures right now and am really enjoying it. I hope you are able to get to it soon!

    My Top Ten

  11. I love P&P and Insurgent, probably even more than I liked Divergent. It didn't make my official list, but I feel I really need to read the Fault in Our Stars as well.

  12. I have Insurgent on my list too! I've read The Fault in Our Stars, and it was a good read :)

    I have Beautiful Creatures on my TBR Pile as well:)

  13. Excellent list! Insurgent is really good, as is Beautiful Creatures :) As you know, TFIOS is on my list as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT post earlier.

    Happy reading in 2013.

  14. Awesome picks! I think all of those I've either already read (and loved) or they're at the top of my list for this year. Crushing on your list over here. :D Thanks for stopping by my TTT. Happy New Year!

  15. The Hobbit is good. I just bought Obisidan and can't wait to start reading it. And the rest are all on my dying to-read list as well.

    Happy New Years and happy reading!

    Here are the books I resolve to read

    ~Danica Page
    Taking it One Page at a Time

  16. Ah, great list! I need to reread Beautiful Creatures so I can read the rest of the series (I didn't love it the first time around). Insurgent! I just got a copy and hope to read it very, very soon. I need to read A Million Suns too, as well as The Fault In Our Stars. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  17. I love your list! Clockwork Angel was my first Cassandra Clare novel and I loved it. (Honestly, I think it's better than TMI.) Pride and Prejudice is wonderful and once you read it you should definitely check out the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube! TFiOS is another great one! (But it's John Green, so that's a given. :) The Hobbit is the only book I've read by Tolkien, but I will eventually got to the LotR books! haha

    Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by my blog! (:

  18. I've heard so many awesome things about TFios, it's on my TBR pile too! I hope you enjoy reading all the books!

    Happy 2013!
    My TTT

  19. Excellent list. I should read The Hobbit, but I don't know if I will. I really adored The Night Circus, so I might suggest starting with that. I would wait to read A Million Suns until closer to book three, because I'm sure you'll want to dive right into the next one :) Happy Reading and good luck!

  20. Great List! I'm interested to see what you make of John Green as everyone I know loves The Fault In Our Stars but although I enjoyed it I found it wasn't any more special than a lot of other books of a similar topic.

  21. I also need to get around to reading Beautiful Creatures! It has been sitting on my shelf for way too long.

  22. I have the fault in our stars on my list too! I've read a Million Suns and it is well worth reading. Good luck and happy reading in 2013!

  23. Wow! You have a lot of my favorite books on this list! THE NIGHT CIRCUS was my favorite read of the 2012, and PRIDE AND PREJUDICE is one of my favorite reads of all time.

    Happy 2013 reading!

  24. There are some great books on you list. Insurgent is a great, quick read filled with some amazing omg moments.

  25. Great list. I really want to read the Night Circus also.
    old follower
    my TTT

  26. Fantastic list! Yes, you must read TFiOS and A Million Suns! I need to read Pride & Prejudice as well.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my TTT! Happy New Year!

  27. I've been debating forever as to whether I should read or watch Game of Thrones first. EVERYONE I know is giving me a different answer and it's infuriating.

    Insurgent, A Million Suns and The Night Circus are also on my TBR (although not on my TTT) and TFiOS is as phenomenal as everyone says it is. So I vote you read that one first!

    Great list. I hope 2013 is treating you well so far! ^_^

  28. o.O... You haven't read The Fault in Our Stars yet?! Holy crap... you need to get on that, ASAP! Pride and Prejudice is one of my FAVORITE books of all time. If you end up loving it, I recommend looking into P&P variations by Abigail Reynolds. My favorite is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man on Earth. Great list - good luck on these reads in 2013!

  29. I love The Fault in Our Stars and Pride & Prejudice...great books! I still need to read A Million Suns and Insurgent as well.

  30. Aww, I love that cover for P&P! So cute! Clockwork Angel is on my list (I've read the first three Mortal Instruments books, but have heard this series is even better), and I'd also like to read Beautiful Creatures, although I didn't include that one. And I loved The Hobbit and The Night Circus!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Merin @ Read and Reviewed :)

  31. Hi!
    Great list, I hope to read some of these in 2013 too! I need to read The Night Circus, I got Obsidian for Christmas, and I'm sure I'm going to need to go ahead and buy the rest of that series, I still need to read Insurgent (having loved Divergent I don't know what's taking me so long). I need to reread Beautiful Creatures so I can continue on with that series and in preparation for the movie! I just started reading The Fault in Our Stars's going to be my new favorite I can already tell. WELL I think this comment is long enough..haha. Good luck and hapy reading :)

  32. OOPsies. I forgot to add that Clockwork Angel (and its sequel) is AWESOME! I liked it more than The Mortal Instruments!

    Here's my TTT:

  33. I'm planning on reading Beautiful Creatures this month for a book club actually! I'd also like to try out A Game of Thrones, and I have The Night Circus on my e-reader. OMG I hope you enjoy TFiOS - amazing book!

    Happy reading!
    My Top Ten Books I Resolve to Read in 2013.

  34. I have to read Beautiful Creatures this year too.

    I'd recommend starting with A Game of Thrones - once I got into them far enough, I was hooked, but I found it hard to get engrossed until I put everything else down and just concentrated on it alone for a while.

    I enjoyed Insurgent, the Night Circus and the Fault in Our Stars but I didn't enjoy Clockwork Angel at all.

    I also loved the Hobbit when I first read it years ago, but tried re-reading it this year and found it just okay.

    Good luck with your books this year!

  35. I love Insurgent! I'd definitely recommend reading it first :)

  36. A Million Suns was awesome! I hated the FMC, but overall the book was great. And the ending... WAH.

    I hope you like The Hobbit more than I did. It's on a lot of people's list of favourites!

  37. Nice list! I need to read the Hobbit as well and I'm still debating reading Beautiful Creatures before the movie comes out. Of course, Onyx is flawless. I just read the Fault in Our Stars yesterday, so if I had to choose one of these to start with it would be that one! It's perfect!

  38. I fully recommend Clockwork Angel and Onyx! You have a good list here.

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

  39. I need to read insurgent too, I didn't think of it for my list! I always think I want to read some Jane Austen, but I am awful at getting into them, I tend to get discouraged pretty early on. Great list!

  40. I hope you start with TFiOS as it's amazing! I also have to read Insurgent and Night Circus. A Million Suns was even better than Across the Universe!

    Thanks for stopping by!

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