
Friday, January 18, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (37)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I am SO excited to be able to dig into this one. There's a ghost, a murder trial, and a looming mental illness. Doesn't that sound so awesome? Well, I'm sure excited to see where this book can go!

For School

Yay, more Jane Austen! For one of my English Lit classes, my teacher has us reading Northanger Abbey in March and I couldn't be more excited! I read Sense and Sensibility last semester and absolutely loved it, so I can't wait to see how I'll like this one!

And that's all for me! What did you all ad to your shelves this week? 


  1. I also received Notes From Ghost Town, it looks so good! Hoping to read it this week!

  2. Notes from Ghost Town looks super creepy!

    Hope you enjoy it!

  3. OOh nice! The first one is definitely catching my attention! Hope you enjoy your reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Hope you love your books! Thanks for stopping by :D

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  5. I love the cover of your first pick!

  6. Notes from Ghost Town looks so good, I can't wait to get my hands on that book :) I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    My IMM

  7. Northanger Abbey isn't one of Austen's better books, but I still enjoyed because, what am i saying? It's *Austen*. So hopefully you'll still enjoy it too! Maybe you'll even disagree with me when I say it isn't Austen's strongest book.

    Notes from Ghost Town sounds really good. It has all the ingredients for a fun reads.

    My STS post

  8. I love the image you have for your Stacking the Shelves post! The owl is ADORABLE! I've never heard of Notes from Ghost Town, but now I'll have to look into that one!

    Thanks for stopping by my Stacking the Shelves post!
    Happy reading!

    -Lexi, the Literature Lion

  9. Ooh, the cover of Notes from Ghost Town really drew me in, I hope it's a good read!

  10. Great haul and I love Jane Austen too!! I haven't read all of her books yet, but the ones that I have read I LOVE.
    Old follower
    my StS

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I've never heard of these books, but Notes From Ghost Town looks haunting and intriguing! Hope you enjoy :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  13. I cannot wait to read Notes from Ghost Town! Enjoy!

    Courtney Ann @ Rondo of a Possible World
    My StS post

  14. Oh, I love Jane Austen :) Thanks so much for stopping by my STS :) Happy reading!!

    Megan @ Megz Madd Readz

  15. I haven't read any Jane Austen, I know right! That's one of my goals for the year. LOVE the cover for the one above. Enjoy!

    My book haul:

  16. I've never heard of Notes from ghost town, but it sounds interesting. And I really do need to get a move on reading more of the classics...

    happy Reading!!

  17. Thanks for checking out my StS post! Notes from Ghost Town looks like it could be really interesting! I tried Ellison's other book, Butterfly Clues, and just couldn't get into it, though.

  18. I loved Northanger Abbey. I hope that you enjoy it. Here's to some awesome discussions in lit class.

  19. I also got Notes from Ghost Town. Hope we'll enjoy it! Thanks for dropping by my STS, Jessica! :)

  20. I love Jane Austen, but I've only read Northanger Abbey once; it's definitely time for a reread soon. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

  21. Great books this week. Notes from Ghost Town looks pretty good. Happy reading!

    Here’s my Stacking The Shelves!

  22. Notes from Ghost Town sounds really interesting, I'll have to add that to my TBR! Great haul, I hope you enjoy both books you got this week! Thanks for stopping by my StS.

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  23. I just got Notes from Ghost Town from NetGalley. Can't wait to dig into that one! <3

    Thanks for dropping by my StS post! :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  24. Oh I hope you enjoy Northanger Abbey. I love Jane Austen so much and have re-read all her books, although P&P is my favorite!

  25. I love Northanger Abbey, I actually love pretty much all of Jane Austen's book with the exception of Mansfield Park. Notes from a Ghost Town also looks really good. Happy Reading =D

    Emily @ Falling For YA

  26. Notes from Ghost Town sounds awesome! I really need to read a Jane Austen book this year.
    Hope you enjoy your books! :D

  27. Thank you for visiting my blog, In-Interest :)

    I would just like to say your blog is freakin' amazing and I am super-jealous that you got Notes :p Grrrrrr

    Feel free to visit,
    Holly @ In-Interest

  28. I do hope you enjoy Northanger Abbey. I have been unsuccessful with every Jane Austen I have tried. I know it is a style thing. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy reading!

  29. Can't go wrong with Austen! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  30. Great stuff this week! Notes from Ghost Town sounds interesting, enjoy!

  31. I love the cover for Notes From Ghost Town. Simple yet haunting.

  32. You got some great books. Notes from Ghost Town looks creepy and awesome and I love the story of Northanger Abbey and I hope you do too!

  33. Notes from Ghost Town looks really good. Happy Reading!

  34. I got Notes from Ghost Town a few weeks back myself and I can't wait to read it! It looks so creepy and fantastic.

    Happy reading!

  35. Jane Austen is always a winner and I can't wait to read Notes from Ghost Town as well!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  36. Notes from Ghost Town! O_o
    I've never even heard of it! T_T I NEED to check it out!!!
    I'm no Jane Austen reader though :( I stink hehehe We never get to read those kinds of classics here for our Spanish class... We read more of Latin-American authors :D-I'm from there- so yeap!
    Enjoy !!!!
    Happy reading! Here's what I got if you'd like to take a peek!

  37. Telling the truth I have never heard about these books, but I hope you enjoy them. :)

    Thanks for stopping by StS post. :)

  38. I hadn't previously heard of Notes from Ghost Town. I'll definitely go check it out!

  39. Notes from Ghost Town sounds so great! I've only known about it for a week or so but I can't wait to read a few reviews :)
    Northanger Abbey is one of the Austen books I haven't read yet (I've read Mansfield Park, Emmma, and Persuasion), but I kind of want to because she makes fun of the whole Gothic novel craze in it...

    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier, and I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you!

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    contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:
