
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Book Review: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

My Life Next Door
By Huntley Fitzpatrick
Release Date: June 14, 2012
Source: Library
Summary: A gorgeous debut about family, friendship, first romance, and how to be true to one person you love without betraying another

“One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.”

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love, Jase's family makes Samantha one of their own. Then in an instant, the bottom drops out of her world and she is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?

A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.

Review: I saw this book all over people's lists of their top 2012 reads, so I knew that I had to get my hands on a copy as soon as I could. When I was at the library last week, I saw a copy of this on the shelf in the Teen section and grabbed up so fast people probably thought I was nuts. But I finally had my book and I absolutely could not wait to get into it. 

Ever since the Garretts moved in next door, Samantha's mom has wanted nothing to do with them. With an insane amount of kids and a mess in their yard that never gets cleaned up, the Garretts are definitely not the appropriate family Senator Reed deems as appropriate. But Samantha can't help but be intrigued by the family next door and has taken to watching them from her balcony for years. One day, when Samantha is 17, the Garretts aren't just the next door neighbors any more; Jase invites her into their lives and invites himself right into Samantha's heart. Samantha can't imagine her life without Jase, but she has yet to tell anyone from her normal life about their relationship, afraid of how her perfect family would feel about her new world. 

Holy crap, this book was phenomenal. It was fantastic. Amazing. Lovable. And any other synonym for all of those adjectives. Seriously, now I understand why everyone loved this book so much. Jase is honestly the best male lead in a book EVER. I just wanted to jump into the book, shove Samantha out of the way, and take him all for myself. In the beginning of the book, I was a bit annoyed with how absolutely perfect Samantha's life was, but that eventually comes to bite her in the butt, so I see how it was actually necessary for the plot and Samantha's character. About 250 pages into the book, I had no idea what could happen for another 150 pages, but boy did things happen. I was freaking out to my sister after every single chapter because I just couldn't keep the emotions this book made me feel to myself. 

Not only was the main story phenomenal, all of the characters were completely lovable. All of Jase's siblings were perfect for the story, especially George. He was just so darn cute and I loved every scene he was in. His parents are great and I loved Samantha's best friend Nan and her brother too. All of the characters are so different but all serve a really important purpose to the story. I love it when characters thrive in a book, and thrive they did in this book. 

If you haven't read this book yet, what the heck do you think you're doing? I would highly recommend that you drop whatever you're reading now and find yourself a copy of this book. You have absolutely no idea what you're missing out on!


  1. YES! I loved this book so much! The Garretts were amazing and I want them to be my family (especially George!) and Sam and Jase's romance is one of the best, most honest relationships I've ever read about :) Lovely review!

  2. So glad you loved it! The Garrett family is one of the best families I have ever read about. I adore them! Great review :)

  3. Just added this to my TBR list. Thanks!

  4. I have had this book on my Nook forever. I guess it's time to move it up the TBR pile.
    Awesome review!
    Deidra @ (Simply Books.)

  5. I've heard it was so super amazing too - but if I am honest, I didn't see anything so special about this book. I liked Samantha a lot, and Jase was cute, but the ending was just seriously a big whatever. Her best friend Nan decided to stop being her friend because she found her cheating on tests. And she just disappears from the story. Her mother was so into that guy - and then he is just out of the story. She was so about her political campagne and then she went to the hospital to visit Jase's father and she just drops from the elections without giving any reason - for the reader to understand - I mean, the WHOLE book we read how passionate she is and that she doesn't have time for anyone because this is so important - well if it really was I would have liked to hear the reason said out laud why she dropped it. And also Nan's brother - that was just weird.
    I don't know. The second part of the book just didn't do it for me. I thought there were too many open ends.

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