
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Book Review: Fallen In Love by Lauren Kate

Fallen In Love
By Lauren Kate
Release Date: December 26, 2012
Source: Publisher
Summary: Unexpected. Unrequited. Forbidden. Eternal. Everyone has their own love story.

And in a twist of fate, four extraordinary love stories combine over the course of a romantic Valentine's Day in Medieval England. Miles and Shelby find love where they 
least expect it. Roland learns a painful lesson about finding-and losing love. Arianne pays the price for a love so fierce it burns. And for the first -and last- time, Daniel and Luce 
will spend a night together like none other.

Lauren Kate's FALLEN IN LOVE is filled with love stories . . . the ones everyone has been waiting for.

Review: I read the first two books in the Fallen series a long time ago, but I'm so bad at keeping up with a series, so I haven't been able to read the other two. When Fallen In Love showed up in my mailbox, I was really interested in the four short stories Lauren Kate wrote involving the characters from the books. I remembered a little bit about them from the first two books, so I was really excited to see the little snippets of their lives this book had to offer. 

Finding themselves stuck back in medieval England the day before Valentine's Day, the story begins with Shelby and Miles trying to find their way back home. As they discover some feelings they had no idea were in their hearts, the story moves on to Roland, an angel who is back where he had left his only love brokenhearted, just waiting to learn what lessons in love are in store for him. Then, we meet Arriane who must live with her forbidden love for Tess, a fallen angel who is one of Lucifer's closest angels. And finally, Luce and Daniel find themselves intertwining with their past selves, yearning to have the one Valentine's Day they'll ever spend together. 

I wasn't sure how much I would remember about the characters, but Lauren Kate does an excellent job showing just enough flash backs and background information for the reader to easily follow along with the stories. Each short story flowed so well into the next, so you didn't even realize you had read four completely separate romance stories. I loved how this all took place on Valentine's Day in medieval England because that just made everything even more romantic and interesting. 

The only part of this book that I wasn't that big of a fan of was Arriane and Tess's relationship. I don't like to read romances with two girls or two guys, so I just wasn't interested in their story at all. I give Lauren Kate props for writing a story that included two girls, which isn't something you find too often in YA literature, but that's not what I like to read about, so I could have done without that story. Other than that, the other stories all varied in their stages of romance, which was very refreshing and kept the stories engaging. 

If you're a fan of the Fallen series, I would really recommend picking this book up! It gives you cute little stories about secondary characters, as well as the main characters, which adds so much more to the overall experience of reading the series.


  1. I read Fallen a lonnng time ago, and don't really remember it apart from the angels. This sounds good, though-- I like books with multiple stories which intertwine. Great review. :)

  2. I ended up reading this way after i read all the other books in the series because I couldn't find it in stock at my local store. anyway, i enjoyed it because i got to find out what happened between Shelby and Miles because it never fully explained how they ended up together. It also went into detail about the history of the other characters as well.

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