
Friday, December 28, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (68)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What book do you think everyone should read? If you could gift the entire population with one book? 

Answer: This one is so hard! It really depends on who the reader is, because I wouldn't gift a YA book to my mom and I wouldn't gift a historical romance to my sister, no matter how awesome I think the book is. So here are some categories for the different types of readers: 

Paranormal YA Readers

Classic Readers

Contemporary YA Readers

Romance Readers

And those are the books I would make those kind of readers read! It was really hard picking just one in each genre because there are so many good books out there! What did you guys choose? I'd love to hear, so please share! 


  1. Well, Sense and Sensibility is sitting on my shelf, still, and Wuthering Heights is on my to-read list. I haven't read Daemon yet, but I have Half-Blood and Pure on my shelf, waiting for me. Nicholas Sparks on the other hand, I'm not really sure I would enjoy his books since I'm not a fan of love, sweet romances. (The Last Song film made me cry, though LOL)

    Thanks for sharing!
    MY FF @ Sara In Bookland

  2. That's very true that not everyone has the same tastes, so I like that you have multiple answers. I haven't read any of your picks though, haha. They're all sitting on my to-read list, slowly moving up. I've heard so much about Obsidian I will have to read it sooner as opposed to later.

    Thanks for hopping by my blog! Old follower

    Momo @ Where the Mome Raths Outgrabe

  3. OOoh nice picks!! Loooved Obsidian! Still have to read Onyx and buy Opal!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Jennifer Armentrout is a new author to me, but I've put her on my reading list for 2013.
    Thanks for stopping by. Following you back via Twitter


  5. I haven't read Obsidian yet, but it's waiting for me on my kindle...

    Thanks for stopping by my FF post earlier.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I've only read Wuthering Heights but I absolutely loved it! The other books are on my TBR list :)
    Thanks for stopping by my FF
    Samantha @ The Secret Life of a Bookworm

  7. I know what you mean about gifting different books to different people because everyone likes different books. The only one I could think of was Harry Potter, even though I know not everyone would like it. But I do think it has to most to offer to almost everyone. Does that make sense?

    I love Obsidian, and Anna and the French Kiss! So good :)

  8. I LOVED Obsidian and The Last Song, they are in my top favorite books of all time. :)
    old follower, P.S I love your blog design :)
    my F&F

  9. Ok, I have to read Obsidian now! Heard nothing but good things for that series! Loved Anna & The French Kiss! Gotta read a Nicholas Sparks book one of these days! <3

  10. Great Picks I really liked Anna.Anna is my all time favorite contemporary. New follow. Great blog design :)

    My F&F-

  11. I absolutely loved Anna and the French Kiss! Obsidian was really good too. I still have to continue the series though. :) I'm an old follower.

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  12. Great choices! Loved Obsidian, The Last Song, and Anna and the French Kiss. Such great choices! Thank you so much for checking out the blog. I am loving yours and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the movie the host. New Follower!!

  13. I really like that you divided your answer in different genres!

    F&F from Mel@thedailyprophecy.
    Old follower.

  14. I had a difficult time deciding what book everyone would enjoy too I wish I had made categories - how clever!
    I really like your choices a lot of these books I haven't yet read but totally intend too :)
    Nice FF post!!

  15. Great idea splitting it by genre.
    I love Anna & The French Kiss, it's such a good book. Last Song made me cry but it was great!!! (Have you seen the film? I really liked it)
    Awesome choices, and thanks for visiting my blog. :D

  16. splitting genres was a great idea! so many nice books that i have not read.

    Check out my Friday Follow

  17. Ooohhhh! Obsidian is just so swoon worthy! Great choices. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog! Followed back. :)

    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

  18. I Love Obsidian. It is one of my favs. Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Hahaha! I agree with you. It is difficult to recommend one single book for the WHOLE population, but I love your genre and preference wise classification! *thumbs up* I loved Anna And The French Kiss and The Last Song and the Lux series are cool. I hope to read Wuthering Heights and Sense & Sensibility someday!

    Old follower!

    Thanks for stopping by The Readdicts Feature & Follow Friday earlier.

    Happy New Year and happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts


  20. Awesome selection. I have Obsidian, really need to get to it. Did not read the other yet <3 New follower!

  21. Great choice of books! It really does depend on who the reader is, and I always find it difficult to choose one of something.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! Following you now! :)

  22. I have read Wuthering Heights and have some of your other choices on my TBR list. I'm a new follower via GFC. Thanks for stopping by my FF, have a great weekend!

  23. Glad to see Obsidian on there! I have got to get around to Anna & the French Kiss in the next few months. I've heard great things about Nicholas Sparks, too...I absolutely LOVE the move of A Walk to Remember, and I've got the book version sitting on my shelf. I need to read The Notebook too!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  24. Oh nice, I love how you spotlighted different genres! Obsidian is definitely one I'll be getting to in 2013 - I even own a copy so I have NO excuse >.<

    Thanks for sharing & for visiting my blog earlier. I'm still playing catch up from the holidays so I'm sorry for being so slow to return the visit :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows (old follower)
