
Friday, December 21, 2012

Book Review: The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro

The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club
By Laurie Notaro
Release Date: July 2, 2002
Source: Library
Summary: “I’ve changed a bit since high school. Back then I said no to using and selling drugs. I washed on a normal basis and still had good credit.”

Introducing Laurie Notaro, the leader of the Idiot Girls’ Action-Adventure Club. Every day she fearlessly rises from bed to defeat the evil machinations of dolts, dimwits, and creepy boyfriends—and that’s before she even puts on a bra.

For the past ten years, Notaro has been entertaining Phoenix newspaper readers with her wildly amusing autobiographical exploits and unique life experiences. She writes about a world of hourly-wage jobs that require absolutely no skills, a mother who hands down judgments more forcefully than anyone seated on the Supreme Court, horrific high school reunions, and hangovers that leave her surprised that she woke up in the first place.

The misadventures of Laurie and her fellow Idiot Girls (“too cool to be in the Smart Group”) unfold in a world that everyone will recognize but no one has ever described so hilariously. She delivers the goods: life as we all know it.

Review: I normally don't read nonfiction books, but after reading Apron Anxiety by Alyssa Shelasky (a food blogger) over the summer, I've been dying to pick up another nonfiction book with that same kind of fun, witty voice. I saw the cover of this one at the library and just new this was the perfect book to satisfy that need!

I have no idea who Laurie Notaro is, but her bio says that she's a columnist who has written quite a few books filled with her essays. This one was definitely an awesome place to start when it comes to Laurie's books. She has had such an interesting life, so I had a blast hearing about the bizarre things that have happened to her. While I was reading this, I just couldn't believe how boring my life seemed compared to hers. I guess that's why she's written so many books and I haven't! 

It doesn't even seem like Laurie has set out to make her life interesting; cool things just fall into her lap. Whether it's two little girls dressed in tutus showing up on her doorstep to clip her hedges or analyzing the different types of public restroom users, something unique seems to always be going on in her life. The only part that bothered me, though, is all of the smoking. I get that smoking was a huge part of her life, but I cannot stand smokers, so it grossed me out every single time she mentioned smoking so much. I know this really shouldn't bother me, but that's a pet peeve I can't seem to get over. I think to any other reader, they'd really enjoy Laurie's stories and what witty commentary she has to share about everyday life. 

Overall, all of the stories in this book were funny and fresh, just what a girl needs to read when she's feeling a little down in life. No matter how much you think you're life sucks, there's always an upside or a way to make life seem like an adventure. This was a pretty quick read and I'm really excited to see what else Laurie has to share in her other books!


  1. I've had this book sitting on my TBR shelf for years! Thanks for the review that reminds me I need to pull it out and read it finally.

  2. Love the description, specially the "Every day she fearlessly rises from bed to defeat the evil machinations of dolts, dimwits, and creepy boyfriends—and that’s before she even puts on a bra."
    Lil Berry @ Forget About TV, Grab a Book

  3. I know this can be of great help for all of us…Nice
