
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Author Interview and Giveaway: An Heiress at Heart by Jennifer Delamere

I'm excited to announce that today I have an interview with author Jennifer Delamere to share with you all today! Jennifer's new novel An Heiress at Heart was just released in October! She is here now to share a little bit about herself and her new novel!

In three words, how would you describe An Heiress at Heart?
Romantic, suspenseful, uplifting

If you could be anyone from An Heiress at Heart, who would you be and why?
I have to say that while I was writing the book, the character of Lucinda Cardington took me completely by surprise. I had intended for her to have a “walk-on” part, but she had other plans! Many might overlook her now, but there is more to her than meets the eye. I’ll let you in on a little secret: Lucinda is going to be the heroine in a future book, and I think readers will be happy with the man who falls for her.

Why do you write historical romance? Why not another genre? 
I fell into writing historical romances quite naturally, since I’m a big history buff. I love reading books about history, as well as biographies and historical fiction. I’m a fan of the classics, and I love all those BBC adaptations of works by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and others. It would be fun to write a contemporary romance someday, but for now I’m happy writing historicals.

What do you do when you're not writing? 
In the rare evenings when I can take off from writing, I’ll read a book or catch up on the BBC miniseries in my Netflix queue. By day, I enjoy hiking and traveling. In the winter I love snow skiing.

What's your favorite color? 
Green, purple, blue...who can pick just one? 

What's your favorite book and why? 
My favorite novel is Madam, Will You Talk? -- a classic romantic suspense by Mary Stewart. I love all her books, but this one is set in the south of France and has fascinating descriptions of the area as well as a page-turning plot, a warmhearted and resourceful heroine, and a fabulous tortured hero.

What's next from you?
I’m working on the next book in the Love’s Grace trilogy, A Lady Most Lovely, which will be out next year. Readers will recognize some characters from An Heiress at Heart. It has as its central plot a marriage of convenience, which is one of my favorite kinds of stories.

I want to thank Jennifer so much for being a guest on Peace Love Books today! If you haven't already, be sure to check out her novel An Heiress at Heart! You can see my review right here! For now, here's a little bit more about the book...

An Heiress at Heart
By Jennifer Delamere
Release Date: October 25, 2012
Source: Author
Summary: A New Beginning

A youthful indiscretion has cost Lizzie Poole more than just her honor. After five years living in exile, she’s finally returning home, but she’s still living a secret life. Her best friend, Ria’s dying wish was for Lizzie to assume her identity, return to London, and make amends that Ria herself would never live to make. Bearing a striking resemblance to her friend, and harboring more secrets than ever before, Lizzie embarks on a journey that tempts her reckless heart once again . . .

A committed clergyman, Geoffrey Somerville’s world is upended when he suddenly inherits the title of Lord Somerville. Now he’s invited to every ball and sought after by the matchmaking mothers of London society. Yet the only woman to capture his heart is the one he cannot have: his brother’s young widow, Ria. Duty demands he deny his feelings, but his heart longs for the mysterious beauty. With both their futures at stake, will Lizzie be able to keep up her façade? Or will she find the strength to share her secret and put her faith in true love?


I have one copy of this historical romance to give away to a lucky reader! All you have to do is fill out the rafflecopter below! Giveaway ends December 7th! ***US ONLY***

For more information about Jennifer Delamere and An Heiress at Heart, check out these links: 


  1. I so far have not read any historical fiction but have been thinking about getting into the genre. New follower PageGirlsPageofBookReviews

  2. sad it's only Us because i would be very happy to get this book
