
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (28)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I only got one book this week, but doesn't it look fun? Hopefully I can get to it soon because I still have A TON of books on my TBR shelf. I guess I just need to read as much as I can this weekend, which sounds absolutely lovely to me :)

And that's it for me! How were your guys' week? I'd love to hear what you got, so please don't hesitate to share! 


  1. Nice! Haven't heard of that one but hope you enjoy it!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I haven't seen that one before. It does look good. Here is my post:

  3. Haven't heard of it, but I hope you like it ! Happy reading!
    Kristen @OCA

  4. It's nice to have a slow week sometimes:) Your book looks pretty good! Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves.

  5. It does look like a fun book! Hope you enjoy :)
    My STS

  6. That looks like a really fun read! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I haven't heard of this one before but it looks interesting. :) Hope you enjoy!

    My Haul!

  8. It does look fun! I hope you love it and enjoy your weekend :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Sounds like an interesting read although I haven't heard of it before.

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  10. Aww that book looks adorable! The plot sounds good too. I might have to read it at some point!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
    Ashley @ Book Nook

  11. Ohh, that one sounds like a great, light read! I hope you enjoy it!

    My bookish goodies

  12. Yes, it looks so cute and sweet - ha! Enjoy it :D

  13. It definitely sounds adorable!! And what a cute cover! I hope you enjoy it! :)

  14. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds like it could be fun! I hope you enjoy reading it :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!

  15. This book does look fun! I really like the cake on the cover. :) It makes me hungry! I hope you really enjoy it. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. I haven't heard of this one but I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS post

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  17. Ohhhh haven't seen that one before ill definitely check it out and can't wait to hear what you think!

    Jaime@ Fic Fare

  18. Ohhhh haven't seen that one before ill definitely check it out and can't wait to hear what you think!

    Jaime@ Fic Fare

  19. Haha, sometimes it's good to concentrate ;-) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. This one looks fun! I hope you enjoy it =D

    Thanks for stopping by our StS for the week =)

  21. That cover looks good! Reminds me that I never had cake for so long ):
    Thanks for stopping by my STS! :D

  22. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  23. Hope you like your book and thanks for stopping by!

  24. I haven't heard of this one...I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  25. Nice! I hope you enjoy this one, I'd never heard of it but the cover is super fun! Thanks for sharing & for stopping by my StS earlier :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  26. I have not heard of this one! Sounds super interesting though!

  27. Yummy cover!! :) hehe.. thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your new read!

    Michele | Stacking the Shelves | Giveaway

  28. I haven't heard of it though it looks cute!!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  29. I haven't heard of it, but you're right, it does look fun. Sometimes it's ok to only get the one book. That way, our TBR pile doesn't overflow.

  30. Looks good, I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS

  31. I haven't heard of this one, but I'll check it out! Hope you enjoy it. Can't wait to see what you think of it! :)

    Thanks for stopping by My StS post! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  32. Hmm I haven't heard of that one but it sounds really cool I hope you enjoy!

  33. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it sounds good. I actually like slow weeks sometimes because it gives me time to catch up a bit! haha Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy reading!

  34. That was a cute cover! I haven't heard of this one! Enjoy it!
    Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada
    Stacking the Shelves Book Haul
