
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (26)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

Book Sale

The only reason I picked this book up at the book sale they were having on campus is because I thought the cover was pretty! Haha, but also because I've never read anything by Virginia Woolf and thought it was about time I did! When I bought it, the girl working the table told me I had made an excellent choice, so I take that as a good sign! 

King Library

So I was at King Library (the library on campus) and I was getting books for my Shakespeare research paper (I'm writing about King Lear. Yippee!) and I passed by the Jane Austen books. I've always wanted to read one but just haven't gotten around to it, so I decided to check it this really cool, old copy of the book! The first time it was checked out was in the 80s and it even has pictures of the characters interspersed throughout the book. Isn't that cool? So I'm excited to be able to finally read it! 

Local Library

And I got even more movies to watch from the local library! I have been watching the classics like crazy and I just can't get enough of them! I've fallen in love with any Audrey Hepburn movie, so I'm trying to watch every single one of them! I can't wait to get to all of these movies! They all look fantastic! 

That's all for me! Not a lot of books, but I'll definitely be busy this week! What did you all add this week? I'd love to hear, so please share! And I hope you guys have a great weekend :)


  1. Great haul! Happy reading!

    Here is my Stacking the Shelves:

  2. OOh yay for Jaws!! I loooove that movie! Practically grew up watching it! And a few years ago I did finally read the book, which is vastly different from the movie. It's the rare instance where I like the movie better, but it's only because I had already seen the movie hundreds of times already!

    Enjoy your reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my STS! I have to watch the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice still, I've only seen the Keira Knightly version. Love it and watch it all the time. Jaws is awesome too! The author used to come to the doctor's office I worked at. Enjoy!

  4. Happy reading but also watching Pride and Prejudice is ace.

  5. Pride and Prejudice! I've been wanting to read that!

    Thanks so much for dropping by my STS and am a new follower!

  6. The Waves is awesome, hope you like it :)

  7. I haven't heard of these, but I hope you enjoy them.
    Thanks for stopping by! ^__^

  8. Looks like you had a big haul this week and a lot of great classics! I hope you love 'em
    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  9. I hope you'll enjoy Pride & Prejudice, I really enjoyed reading it :) And that version is so cute, what a pretty cover.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. I haven't read the Virginia Woolf books you borrowed, but I've read Mrs Dalloway and Orlando and I love Woolf's style! I hope you'll enjoy them :) Old library copies are awesome! I love it when they've been read so often that they're nearly falling apart or have little notes scribbled into the margins ^^
    Have fun with your Hepburn marathon! I've only seen Breakfast at Tiffany's but I've wanted to see more movies with her ever since :)
    Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my post earlier!

  11. I hope you enjoy reading Pride and Prejudice! The adaptation with Colin Firth is absolutely amazing. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

  12. That sounds like such a cool version of Pride and Prejudice! I still need to read it myself. I read Persuasion last year and loved it. ;)

    I really REALLY need to watch some old movies. I've only seen like a handful of them in my life and it makes me feel uncultured. I need to just start watching at least one a month.

    I hope you enjoy everything! :D

  13. You do have some great classics this week. Thanks for visiting.

  14. Great haul you got there. :) Thanks for visiting out StS this week!

  15. I haven't read Jane Austen. I mean I really haven't read many classics!!! I think I will remedy that soon!!
    You've got a pretty blog! :D
    Thanks for dropping by!
    Addie @ READioactive Book Blog

  16. yay for libraries :D

    bringing up baby is one of my all time fave screwball comedy. happy reading and watching :)

    our book haul this week


  17. Great haul. Looks like you got some awesome classics in there!

    Shannon @ Readergirl Reviews a Teen Book

  18. Thanks for stopping by my STS!
    & wow Jaws; I've always read that book at least six times, but have never seen the movie. Got to see it! (:

  19. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you like your books :)

  20. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite classic books of all time. how can you resist Mr. Darcy.
    My Haul Letterbox Love

  21. For an "old" book, Pride and Prejudice is really good. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for visiting.

  22. Yey classics! and the library rocks, good choices ;-)

    I'm a new follower! Here is my STS

  23. Ooh, I've been meaning to see a lot of those classic movies for a long time now! Hope you enjoy them and your reads, as well!

  24. Wow, you have some very happy reading in your future! Enjoy and I look forward to your reviews!!

  25. Oooh nice haul of classic movies & books! Yay for libraries ♥ I just love discovering new movies by exploring classics I've never seen. enjoy! Thanks for visiting my StS as well :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows
