
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (64)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Activity! Who is your to-die-for book crush? What do you think they look like? Add an image to make us all happy. 

Answer: Oh my goodness, how do I choose just one??? Hmm I'd have to go with...

Etienne St. Clair 

From Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

And who would play him? 

Look at that piercing gaze...I could totally imagine him being Etienne! And he has that hair that is perfectly tousled and effortless. And he's British, so he would have Etienne's gorgeous accent :) Oh my goodness, can they PLEASE make a movie of this book? I want to be able to see Etienne on the big screen over and over and over again....That's pretty much why I'm completely in love with Anna and the French Kiss :) If you haven't read the book, READ IT NOW. It's amazing and you won't be able to help but fall completely in love with Etienne St. Clair :)


  1. Haven't read that one but it's on my list! My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  2. I really really need to read this book, great choice!

    My FF

  3. Hopping through. I've never heard of Finn Jones but I can see Etienne in him from his photo. Very cool.
    My Hop

  4. Gahh I didn't even think of Etienne! I LOVEEEE that book!
    Great pick! & btw your blog is super cute!

    New follower

    Here's My FF

  5. I haven't read this book but really want to :)

    Old Follower: Marissa @ For The Love Of Film And Novels

  6. Surprised by the lack of photos today! Would've changed my answer if I had known! I struggle choosing real life people to be book heroes as well. I did go with a cover model though who I thought does a good job of being the hero!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Oh, Etienne. He's such a cutie. And I recently stumbled upon a post where the blogger said she could picture Prince Phillip from OUAT being Etienne. (He's also an actor on PLL and the witch show that got cancelled..) Anyways. LOVE him & your pick. :)

    Patricia // My Hop

  8. ST. CLAIR! Despite his cockiness, he's one of my all-time favorite fictional crushes <3
    New follower! Happy Friday!

    Judith @ Paper Riot

  9. I think I'm alone in this, but I don't really like him.. He wasn't honest to Ellie and Anna. I did like his accent :p

    FF - Mel@thedailyprophecy.
    Old follower.

  10. Haven't read the book but will do; New follower!!!
    Check out my #FF

  11. Finn Jones is adorable (my son's name is Finn, so naturally adorable is the word that comes to mind) and I could see him playing Etienne!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Etienne, yes, yes, yes. <3
    Just wanted to say that. :) Old follower.
    My FF

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