
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (63)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Books are turned into movies all the time! Turn it around. What movie would make a great book? 

Answer: Oh, I don't know! A lot of the movies I love were books first, like Bridget Jones' Diary and The Lucky One (and basically any Nicholas Sparks movie...). But if I had to choose another one of my favorites that would make a great book, it would be these two...


I love love love these two movies, and I think it'd be super cute if they were books! Notting Hill would make such an adorable romance book, maybe something like what Sophie Kinsella would write. I could totally see that happening! As for Roman Holiday, I could see that being a kind of Anna and the French Kiss meets something by Meg Cabot. Ooooh I would so fall in love with the books. It would be cool to get inside of the minds of these characters and see how they're really feeling as they fall for each other in the story. But then we would be denied the gorgeous Hugh Grant and the simply fabulous Audrey Hepburn...

But that's what the imagination is for! Could someone please make these two movies into a book? I promise you'd sell at least one copy! To me! Well, until someone takes up my offer, I guess I'll just have to continue watching these amazing movies over and over again :) 


  1. I absolutely adore both of those movies, especially Roman Holiday, and I agree that both would definitely make awesome books.

  2. Roman Holiday would make a fantastic book.

    My FF

  3. Yes. I really really love Nicholas Sparks's movies/books. He's such a wonderful writer. ;)

    Old follower~
    Cindy @

  4. Hopping through. I didn't think of Notting Hill. That's such a great movie.
    My Hop

  5. Nice! Never saw these movies but heard of them, so I have to agree!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I love Notting Hill too, I agree that it would make such a great book! :)
    I just found your blog through the blog hop, so hello from a new follower :) xxx

  7. What an adorable it..NEW FOLLOWER.

    I really don't watch movies so not sure what I could turn into a book, but the two books below would make good movies.

    Excuse my turn around of the question please.

    Giveaway going on at my blog for THE GIRL ON THE CLIFF.

    SOUTH OF BROAD by Pat Conroy or CITY OF WOMEN by David R. Gillham would make great movies.

    Silver's Reviews

  8. I would so read Notting Hill. Great pick! New follower, looking forward to your posts.

  9. Two great choices, sounds good.

  10. I would read Notting Hill as well. Also, Sabrina with Hepburn would be a cute book! I've never seen Roman Holiday, but I love Sabrina! :) New follower:

  11. OMG! I love Notting Hill its one of my favourite films. One of my favourite of Hugh Grants and Julie Robert films! :D I would so read that book! :)

    I'm sorry I don't comment much. I'm trying to be more regular with them!

    My FF

  12. I haven't seen these movies. I'm going to have to now.

    Old follower hopping through. Here’s my FF.

  13. To my absolute shame, I have to admit that I haven't seem Roman Holiday. o.O Will remedy that asap, though!

    Patricia // My Hop

  14. I haven't seen Roman Holiday either, but I've always wanted to. New follower and participant. I love you background.

  15. Hi new follower. I haven't seen either of those 2 movies before.

  16. haha love the Gus gif. great picks for movie to book.

    My FF

  17. I'm participating and I've followed your blog.
    Hope you can make the trip over to mine :)

    ❤ Coffee, Books & Lipgloss ❤

  18. I haven't seen 'Notting Hill' but 'Roman Holiday' is a pretty amazon classic film and it would be really cool to read it as a book.

    I like you blog btw! :)

    New Follower: Marissa @ For The Love Of Film And Novels

  19. I think I am the only person who hasn't seen either movie (awkward much). Roman Holiday looks like something I would like.

    I am a new follower via GFC :)
