
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blogspiration (19)

This is a meme I found hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz101. Bloggers post something that inspires them every week and shares it with their followers! I love this idea, so I decided to try it out! Every Monday I'll share a picture/quote/video of something (most likely book related) that's inspired me this week :) 

I think that this is definitely true for EVERY book lover out there. There's just something about books that I just want them all! Whenever I'm in a bookstore or a library, I just want to do a little happy dance because I feel so at home :) 

My books stacked up all over my room because my bookshelves have been full for many years...but I love each and every book I've acquired! When I have my own house, I'm determined to have a library (okay, well a room) dedicated to my books. It'll be my place of escape and it will be absolutely fantastic :)


  1. Love the Black Books clip - one of our favorite shows! <3

  2. I love rooms full of books! One of my old friend's mom used to own a bookstore and they had books books and more books and then even more some all over their house. I loved going over there!

  3. Oooh yes. I just love the feeling of being surrounded by books, especially *my* books because I know the stories and I love the characters and it's just so... comfortable. It doesn't matter where I move in life, if I've got my books, it's home.

  4. Yes, yes, I want my own library(room) too!! One day...
    ~♥ the gif~

  5. Jessica, I'm, maybe possibly grinning like crazy here :D
    So true. LOVE this ♥

  6. It's weird... I'm a book lover, but I really don't have all that many books. I borrow a lot of books from my friends and from the library. So really, I am ashamed of my collection.

  7. YES- this is such an amazing truth UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BY BOOKLOVERS WORLDWIDE! Books are amazing and I could not live without them in my life, they're a part of me so deeply that to take them away would to take me away too.
    Beautiful post! And Bernard Black Gif! YES!

  8. Yupp, it's sounds like and awful awesome amazing dream! :) Someday.. :) Enjoy!
