
Monday, November 5, 2012

Blogspiration (18)

This is a meme I found hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz101. Bloggers post something that inspires them every week and shares it with their followers! I love this idea, so I decided to try it out! Every Monday I'll share a picture/quote/video of something (most likely book related) that's inspired me this week :) 

This picture seriously defines my life. There's nothing I love more than snuggle up in a warm outfit on top of a bunch of pillows with a good book. A ton of my reading is even done in bed at night when I can forget about all of my homework or things I have to do and I can just read! Where do you guys read? Any fellow Librocubicularists out there? Haha, I don't know about you, but reading in bed is the best place a girl could ever be in the world :)


  1. I just learnt a totally new word! that DEFINES me too!!
    I also totally love reading at night where no one can bother me and I get sucked in the story!

    awesome pic, I totally saved it

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. There... there's a WORD for us? THAT'S AMAZING.
    And the picture. YES. SO PERFECT. AND... I LVOE ♥
