
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday (62)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

Star Crossed
By Jennifer Echols
Release Date: February 26, 2013
Summary: Wendy Mann loves her job rescuing celebrities from public relations scrapes. She grew up with nothing, and now she’s drawn to glitz, glamour, and a lighthearted lifestyle. She speaks her mind, so she’s just the tough cookie to tell stars the truth about how other people see them, even when they don’t want to hear it. But after six years at the top of her game, Wendy crosses the line. A star she was sent to save rebels against her and nearly gets her fired. To salvage her job, she must rehabilitate the career of a singing starlet with a penchant for posting inappropriate photos of herself and arguing online with her famous ex. Problem is, the ex is represented by Wendy’s arch nemesis from college, the hot and haughty Daniel Blackstone. And both stars are scheduled for a collision course on national television, broadcast live from Las Vegas.

Daniel’s uneasy when he hears Wendy Mann from his firm’s most hated competitor has been brought in to revive the career of his client’s ex-girlfriend. Daniel must win at any cost. And if he has to seduce Wendy to smooth the way to their partnership, he’s willing to sacrifice himself for the cause. But Daniel doesn’t count on the scorching heat between them—and when they get to Vegas, all bets are off.

Words cannot even begin to describe how excited I am for this book! Jennifer Echols is one of my absolute favorite authors, and now she's delving into the adult fiction genre! Yay!! Not that I don't love her YA books, I'm just super excited to see what she has up her sleeve for this book! This one sounds like a romance that I definitely won't be able to keep my mind off of! February definitely can't come soon enough :)


  1. Any books written by Jennifer Echols is a must read. Great pick :D

    Jennifer Echols

  2. I love Jennifer Echols's YA books too! I didn't know she was writing an adult romance, but I am pumped. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love Jennifer Echol's as well! I love her YA books but I'm really excited to read her adult romance. Great pick!
    My WOW

  4. I LOVE Jennifer Echols!!!!! So excited about this one!!!!

  5. I think I have another book I need to add to my TBR list!!! Thanks for spotlighting it and bring it to my attention!! Please check out my WoW!

  6. This sounds really good. I've only read one book by Jennifer Echols, and it was excellent. I really need to read more soon. Great pick!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My WOW

  7. Eeep! I LOVE Jennifer Echols and I am so excited to read this one!!!

  8. Jennifer's books are a must read for me. I love them all, and I can't wait to read this one too. (Just FYI - this is going to be a series!) Thanks for sharing.
    My WoW

  9. This sounds like an awesome adult contemporary read and I don't read enough of these ... I read Going Too Far last year and absolutely loved it !! I'm adding this one to my wishlist, great pick !!
