
Friday, October 26, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (25)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

For Review

I am absolutely ecstatic for these books I got! Miranda Kenneally is one of my favorite authors, so I know I'm cracking into this one right away. And the other two look great too! I'm so excited to read these so I can share with you all how awesome they are! Make sure to check back for the reviews in the next couple of weeks :) 

From Giveaway

I was so excited when I won this book! The email didn't come with a link to a blog, so I'm not exactly sure which blog I won this from, but thank you! Entwined has been on my to-read list for forever, but now I actually have it, so nothing is standing between me and finally reading it! So hopefully I can get to this one soon! 

And that's it for me! A pretty great week if I do say so myself! What about you guys? What did you add to your shelves? I'd love to hear, so don't hesitate to share :)


  1. OOh nice! Haven't read these but hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up on Sunday, stop by if you can!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Nice haul! I've heard great things about Stealing Parker!

    Happy reading
    My StS

  3. Great haul Jessica :) !! I look forward to know what you think of Stealing Parker .. I really have to get my hands on a copy of Catching Jordan. Congrats on winning Entwined. Enjoy your books ;)!

  4. Fantastic haul! I hope you enjoy them all, happy reading! ^.^ If you would like to check out my Stacking the Shelves you can do so here. :)

  5. I got Stealing Parker this week & Entangled is one of my favorite reads this year. Enjoy!

  6. Awesome haul of books. Great haul of books.


  7. I need to hurry up and read Catching Jordan so I can find out what everyone loves so much about it and Miranda's writing! It sounds awesome.

    Enjoy :)
    Books of Amber

  8. Great books! I've heard lots of great things about Stealing Parker and Effortless, hope you enjoy :)
    My STS

  9. Great haul! Steal Parker Looks amazing.
    New Follower - Gabby from Gabby Reads

    My Sts:

  10. Great haul! :) Enjoy reading!

  11. Entwined is decent...The 12 Dancing Princesses is my favorite fairy tale! Enjoy! Happy reading!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  12. I want to read Entwined - congrats on your win!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  13. Oooh, I'm jealous! I'm wanting Stealing Parker as well. Hope it's as good as Catching Jordan!!
    Ninja Girl

  14. I've heard a lot of great things about Entwined so I hope you enjoy it!

    My IMM
