
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (59)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: When you step out of your USUAL genre, what do you like to read? Best books in that genre? 

Answer: Hmm this is a hard one! I have such a wide variety of genres I read. I read pretty much any YA genre and adult fiction/contemporary/romance. Pretty much if there's absolutely no romance in a book, I really won't enjoy reading it and I find myself not caring AT ALL about the characters....

Haha, so if I do venture into other genres they'll have at least some romance in them. The genre I tend to turn to for this is Steampunk. I have found a serious new love for that genre! My two favorites are: 

These two are really the only ones I've read in this genre, but they were so awesome! It's like a paranormal historical fiction book, with at least a little bit of romance to make me happy :) I know I'm definitely going to be checking out more books from this genre because they always offer a new, interesting story that will keep me hooked until the end :)


  1. Good picks! Haven't read any of those but I'll certainly take a look at them!

    New follow.

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction

  2. I love your Blog design!! Pretty cute! :)
    Check out MY FF

  3. You know I've never really read Steampunk, but a lot of people are trying to get me into. I have to say that the cover for 'Incarnation' looks very enticing.

    Old follower. Hope to see you around. I'm having to rejoin because I deleted my old e-mail that had everyone followed!

    Rebecca @ Vicariously!

  4. Ah yes I forgot to include steampunk too! But then again as I am saying in regards to dystopians, these genres that I read still have paranormal elements in them so I still count them paranormal. Just as paranormal steampunk or paranormal dystopian. Or you know, adding with paranormal elements!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Great picks, I have always wanted to read more steampunk, because it's a cool genre,
    My F&f

  6. I like romance in the books I read, too. I will read things without romance, but most of all the books I read have some kind of romance. Romance is fun. :)

    Here's my FF

  7. Hopping through. I've only read a little steampunk. I really like it. I'd like to read more.
    My Hop

  8. I'm just getting into steampunk and God Save the Queen sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing. Old follower.

  9. I haven't read SteamPunk yet, although I have a couple of its books on my wishlist.

    I guess adult fiction would be where I got the most out of my usual genre...

    Murphy's Library
