
Monday, October 1, 2012

Blogspiration (13)

This is a meme I found hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz101. Bloggers post something that inspires them every week and shares it with their followers! I love this idea, so I decided to try it out! Every Monday I'll share a picture/quote/video of something (most likely book related) that's inspired me this week :) 

I know it's been forever since I've posted a Blogspiration, but I found this picture and just had to share it because it was so perfect!

This definitely perfectly describes how I've been feeling lately in this cool Fall weather. All I want to do is curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea and I'll be in heaven! Sadly, I have classes to attend, meetings to go to, and homework to do, so this isn't really possible for me to achieve all too often :(

But I hope you guys are all able to enjoy reading a great book with a cup of tea in you hand because if that's not a well spent day, I don't know what is!


  1. I'd change the tea to hot chocolate and THEN we're talking! lol...I love this! Especially now that winter is coming!

  2. Agree!! But instead I would drink a coffee :P :P I'm a coffee girl and I love it :) :) + a good book? Heaven indeed ;) :)

  3. Hot chocolate for me too. Or Pepsi Max. I could drink Pepsi Max all day. But ooooh, I so completely and utterly agree with you. Love lazy days where you have nothing to do but read.

  4. Love that! I put it on pinterest :)

  5. Jessssica ♥

    Hehehehe, seriously, I love this SO much. It's, like. true.
    Maybe a nice, warm, cuddly place in which to enjoy them, but other than that? GOLD ♥

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