
Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Tour + Giveaway: The Unfailing Light by Robin Bridges

That's right! It's been forever since I've been a part of a blog tour, so I'm super excited to be a stop on this one! The Unfailing Light is the second book in The Katerina Trilogy and it's so good so far! Here's more about it :)

The Unfailing Light
By Robin Bridges
Release Date: October 9, 2012
Summary: Lush and opulent, romantic and sinister, The Unfailing Light, Volume II in The Katerina Trilogy, reimagines the lives of Russia's aristocracy in a fabulously intoxicating and page-turning fantasy.

Having had no choice but to use her power has a necromancer to save Russia from dark forces, Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, now wants to forget that she ever used her special powers. She's about to set off to pursue her lifelong dream of attending medical school when she discovers that Russia's arch nemesis--who she thought she'd destroyed--is still alive. So on imperial orders, Katerina remains at her old finishing school. She'll be safe there, because the empress has cast a potent spell to protect it against the vampires and revenants who are bent on toppling the tsar and using Katerina for their own gains. But to Katerina's horror, the spell unleashes a vengeful ghost within the school, a ghost more dangerous than any creature trying to get in. ***Review soon to come***

If you haven't seen it yet, here's the book trailer for Robin's first book The Gathering Storm! Maybe that'll finally convince you to check out this great series! 


Thanks so much to Random House Children's Books, I've got one copy of this awesome book to giveaway! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win! ***US only***
Giveaway ends October 15

***Check out the tour***
Make sure you stop by the rest of the stops of The Unfailing Light tour! See what everyone else has to say about this fabulous book and enter even more giveaways to increase your chances of winning!

September 24thSmitten Over Books
September 25thCasey’s Crew
September 26th: Much Ado About Books
September 26thThe Streetlight Reader
September 27th: Infinite Reads
September 28th: The Hiding Spot
September 29th: Girls *Heart* Books
October 1stMom Reads My Books
October 2nd: The Book Review Club
October 3rd: The Book Review Club
October 4th: Kimba Caffeinated
October 4th: My Life is a Notebook
October 5th: My Life is a Notebook
October 6th: Candace’s Book Blog
October 7thReader Girls
October 8th: Bookish
October 8th: Peace, Love, Books
October 9th: YA Bibliophile
October 9thReader Girls
October 10th: Wastepaper Prose
October 10th: Imaginary Reads
October 11thImaginary Reads
October 12th: Well Read Wife
October 15thLibby Blog
October 16th: Cracking the Cover
October 17th: A Bookish Libraria
October 18th: A Novel Review
October 19thIn the Best Worlds
October 20thTripping Over Books


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite thing is the cool temps after a long hot summer,and all the Halloween candy! Especially the candy! ;D
    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.

  3. October because of my birthday and Halloween!

  4. I love the all of the upcoming holidays and my birthday is in the Fall, October!!

  5. I didn't like The Gathering Storm that much so I'm not planning on reading the second books but I really like the book trailer :)

  6. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    What I really like is how leaves change color:)

  7. Favorite part of fall besides the leaves changing colors is that its sweater/hoodie weather :D

  8. Its the month of my birthday and Halloween!!!!11111

  9. My favorite part of fall is that it becomes jacket weather at night and watching all the leaves change colors : )

  10. I love fall and having a bonfire with roasting hotdogs!
