
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (17)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Author/Publisher

I am SO excited about all of the books I added to my shelves! Since it's labor day weekend, I finally got to go home and all of these goodies were waiting for me :) Now remember, these are a month's worth of books, so I didn't get them all in one week! But I was so happy to explore the boxes of books when I got home! They all look so good and I really can't wait to read all of them! Make sure you stop by throughout the next couple of weeks to see my reviews of these awesome books :)

And that's all I've added to my shelves this week! What did you all get? I'd love to hear! In the meantime, hope you have a great weekend :)


  1. Incarnation was very good. I liked it. Great haul of books.


  2. you got a bunch of books there that i'm dying to get my hands on. awesome haul this week. happy reading :)

    our StS post.

  3. Wow you got so many books this week :o !
    I bought Foretold too :). I can't wait to read Richelle Mead's novella !!! I've been waiting to read something about Rose and Dimitri since I finished Last Sacrifice !!!
    OMG you got Unspoken i'm so jealous :D !!!! I can't wait to read it !!!
    Happy reading.

  4. HOLY COW! That's a lot of books! Hope you enjoy them all! Curious about Amelia Atwater Rhodes's book. Her last vampire ones have been lacking apparently and I didn't really care for her shifters series.

    Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. What an AMAZING haul this week... where to start?! I've already read Touched, Red Heart Tattoo and Don;t You Wish and they were all good enough. I am dying to get my paws on The Blood Keeper, Unspoken, and Under My Hat. Foretold looks great too, I love anthologies!

    NEw follower, I love your blog!

    My Haul
    And I have an international giveaway for Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas Here

  6. Shadowfell and Unspoken! I die of the jealousy.

    Happy reading :-)

    My haul of books

  7. Great Haul! You will be busy reading all these. Thanks for sharing and happy reading. Come visit my haul too :D


  8. Wow great haul! I hope you find the time to read all of them. I hope you enjoy reading your books. Happy reading!

    - Chel
    The Procrastinator's Corner

  9. I just read Incarnation but not any of the others. But I loved this one so I hope it will be the same for you. Happy reading!

    Melliane – Between D&R

  10. Wow! Nice Haul. I am not a fan of anthologies but I have just bought Foretold for Richelle Mead's story. I might have a stab at the other ones too. I hope you enjoy all your books.

    My Haul!

    Becky @ A Reader’s Devotion

  11. Great haul! I'm really intrigued by Under My Hat, can't wait to see what you think of it. Happy Reading!

    This Week's Book Haul on Melissa's Midnight Musings

  12. Wow! That's a great haul! :D I have touched and I hope it's good!
    Happy reading! :)
    My StS!

  13. Whoah you have an awesome haul of books your gonna be busy reading them all by the month Blogging Profits Unleashed
