
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (56)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What is the BIGGEST word you've seen used in a book lately- that made you stop and look it up? Might as well leave the definition and word too. 

Answer: Hahaha stop and look up a word? Seriously? When I'm reading, I could care less about what big words mean because I read young adult fiction, contemporary fiction, and romance...doesn't take a genius to read them! 

If the author ever uses big words constantly to the point where I would have to look them up, I would just not understand why the author is even writing that way in the first place...

I'm reading this book for pleasure, not to score a perfect on the SAT. Why would I want to interrupt my pleasant time reading the book to look up a word? I would say my vocabulary is pretty decent, so it'd have to be a really uncommon word to stump me, which would just end up being obnoxious. If an author did that, they need to stop trying to look like a smarty pants and just tell the story! You know a big word? Well congratulations! 

That doesn't mean I need you to share it with me. So the authors I read keep it simple and that's just the way I like it :)


  1. Hahaha, I loveee this! It's so true, some authors use big words way too much - like they're trying too hard to look smart. So annoying.
    Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old follower. (:

  2. ^^THIS.
    Yes. Best answer ever. :)

  3. LOL, love your answer and so true. This book I am reading has tons of big words some I know some have me scratching my head but I don't usually look it up just continue unless I am on my Kindle. But my word this week I just had to know and since we had this question I had a good excuse to look it up.

    thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hello Jessica!
    I love Nicholas Sparks's books too! It's so sad and romantic. LOL. Which one is your favorite? I like The Last Song the best.
    BTW, I'm a new follower! Looks like you have a lot of followers. LOL. Please follow me back at or find me at the Linky thing as Cindy @ In This World of Books.. Thanks!

  5. Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I rarely if ever stop to look up words either. If I don't know it, I usually just take in the context in the paragraph and assume what I think the word means is right. But I remembered after doing my FF post that I did look up a word from David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. It was "Peregrinations" I had never heard that one before!

  6. Your answer was unexpected.... hahaha!! I think sometimes authors use big words for a variety so they aren't using the same words over and over again... at least that's what I think! Here is mine: Angela's Anxious Life


  7. Good answer! That's exactly what I believe, which is why the question took me by surprise when I first read it.

    Thanks for stopping by! New follower :)

  8. Love the gifs! haha! I agree with you on YA books and big words!

    Thanks for stopping by my ff :)

    -Bookworm Mia

  9. Sounds right! I can usually infer meaning of words based on context though! Although with Harry Potter it was more like I wanted to know the pronunciation more than anything!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Ha ha! Very true! I read and write those genres, so I'll remember this post next time I'm writing and decide to put my fancy pants on! >.<
    Thanks for stopping by my FF's for this week Book Me! and
    Carmen Jenner Author
    Happy Friday!

  11. Great answer. I agree, which is why I went with a book of slang rather than a word. Thanks for stopping by, Happy Friday!

  12. Awesome answer, and I agree with you I always hated it when authors would put huge words in their book. Especially when they put a lot of huge words in their book.
    Old follower.
    My F&F

  13. Haha. I agree with you for the most part. I almost never look up a word I don't know. Well, usually I can figure out the meaning based on the context.

    Thanks for stopping by my Friday Hop.

  14. LOL. Great animation! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Friday! (Old Follower).

  15. Love Mary Poppins! I definitely feel like that somedays. I don't look up definitions while reading for pleasure either. Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  16. Hopping through. Hilarious answer! I don't mind big words but there's a fine line between big words here and there and being pretentious.
    My Hop

  17. More often than not, I find you can figure out the meaning of a word based on its context, especially if it's used more than once.

    Thanks for stopping by. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

  18. Enjoy! your week-end,blogging by.

  19. I believe you do have a point.

    My FF post this week.

    Happy Friday!

  20. I totally agree! I find it a little pretentious when big words are thrown all over the place.

    New follwer via GFC! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't usually look up words either. New follower via GFC.


    hello new follower from friday hop
    i just love your widges. Thank you in advace for the follow

  23. Thanks true. I don't want to feel as if I'm taking an exam when I'm supposed to be taking a break from all that.

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