
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (53)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What book are you reading right now? What do you think of it? 


The Little Woods
By McCormick Templeman
Summary: Are the woods behind St. Bede's Academy really haunted, or does bad stuff just happen there? When Calista Wood, a new student, arrives midway through her junior year, St. Bede's feels like a normal school . . . until she discovers that a girl had disappeared a couple of months earlier. Some kids think she ran away, others think she was murdered, but it's only when Cally starts digging around that she finds the startling truth.

Watch as Cally enters a world of privilege, weekend-long parties, high school romances, and . . . well-kept secrets. This page-turner will appeal to teens looking for a fast-paced thriller. Written in a voice at once gripping and crystal clear, debut novelist, McCormick Templeman, will take readers on a twisting and turning journey as only a "new girl" can experience.

I normally don't go for scary books, but this one is pretty good so far! Since I never read "thriller" books, though, I'm super scared that something complete insane is going to pop up and freak me out...

But hopefully that doesn't happen! I really like the storyline, so I guess we'll see how it turns out once I'm done! Be sure to stop by sometime later for the review :) Hope you have an awesome Friday! 


  1. Love the cover. The colours are gorgeous. Haven't heard of this one but its got me intrigued. I'm gonna put it on my TBR. Hope you enjoy it and don't get too scared :)

    *Old Follower*
    My FF

  2. The cover is gorgeous and I'm intrigued. I think I'll be adding it to my TBR list.

    Old follower.

    My Feature & Follow =)

  3. Like the cover :)
    and it sounds interesting
    New Follower
    Check out MY FF

  4. THAT. COVER. IS. GORGEOUS <333333 It sounds really interesting- will definitely take some time to check it out on Goodreads later :) Glad you're enjoying it <3

    +New Follower • My FF

  5. I know how you feel, haha. I love to read creepy books, but I get scared so easily :') I'm glad you like it!

    Old follower.
    Visit my FF.

  6. Might have to check that one out, sounds good! :o
    I’m a new follower through FF, my blog is here: =)

  7. New follower here!

    I really like the sound of this book, a good ghost story.

    I've got to read it now.
