
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Review: Burn For Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

Burn For Burn
By Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian
Release Date: September 18, 2012
Source: Publisher

Lillia has never had any problems dealing with boys who like her. Not until this summer, when one went too far. No way will she let the same thing happen to her little sister.

Kat is tired of the rumours, the insults, the cruel jokes. It all goes back to one person– her ex-best friend– and she's ready to make her pay.

Four years ago, Mary left Jar Island because of a boy. But she's not the same girl anymore. And she's ready to prove it to him.

Three very different girls who want the same thing: sweet, sweet revenge. And they won't stop until they each had a taste.

Review: Going into this book, I had no idea what it would be about because I only briefly glanced at the summary. All I knew was that Jenny Han is an awesome writer (her Summer books are amazing) and the cover was cool, so I figured the story had to be good. Little did I know that I was going to get an awesome contemporary YA story full of backstabbing, lies, and evil revenge that completely knocked my socks off. 

Throughout the story, we follow three girls that seem to have nothing to do with each other. Mary is a new girl who has some secret past experience with Reeve, the quarterback of the football team, that somehow traumatized her and caused her to move away. Lillia is super popular and basically has everything she could ever ask for, but things aren't as perfect as they should be. And last, but certainly not least, Kate is an angst-filled girl who smokes and doesn't give a crap about what other people think about her, especially Lillia's best friend Rennie. But when all three of these girls are thrown together, pulled by the force of their hatred of people in their lives, they know they have to get even. And who better to accomplish that with than each other? 

Each of these girls are so intriguing and their stories combine in such twisted ways. What one person does makes Lillia upset and Kat super angry, even if they all had never even interacted in the same social environment before. One person's actions always created several ripples in the social sphere, and it was so cool to see how everything fit into each other. Even though these girls are far from perfect, you can't help but root for them in their journey to speed up karma and get revenge on those who deserve it the most. 

I loved everything about this book and the ending had me begging for more. I was not expecting to be left hanging, so I definitely hope there's another one soon to come! I have to figure out what happens to the girls and those unfortunate enough to fall under their wrath. There are so many cliche YA stories out there, but Burn For Burn is so unique that it'll keep you guessing until the end. This is a serious must-read full of intrigue, suspense, and fed-up girls thirsty for some revenge.


  1. A unique, non cliche YA contemporary ... count me in. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review!

    Becky @ A Reader’s Devotion

  2. Great review! Thank you. I've been waiting on this book for a while now. I really want to read it!

  3. This sounds amazing! Thanks for review and glad that you enjoyed it.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
