
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday (51)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

Falling For You
By Lisa Shroeder
Release Date: 2013
Summary: Rae's always dreamed of dating a guy like Nathan. He’s nothing like her abusive stepfather—in other words, he’s sweet. But the closer they get, the more Nathan wants of her time, of her love, of her...and the less she wants to give. 

As Rae’s affection for Nathan turns to fear, she leans on her friend Leo for support. With Leo, she feels lighter, happier. And possessive Nathan becomes jealous. 

Then a tragedy lands Rae in the ICU. Now, hovering between life and death, Rae must find the light amid the darkness…and the strength to fight for life and the love she deserves.

I know this book sounds really serious and depressing, but it still sounds so good! And that cover is so awesome! I've read so many light, carefree contemporaries that I'm really excited to add another more serious one to my pile. Hopefully it's not too depressing and the story is written well! Because it sounds fantastic! 


  1. lisa schroeder is SO sweet!

    stop by my post?! I have an ARC giveaway of my pick! :)

  2. Love this cover.
    Hope you get to read it soon! Feel free to check out my WoW here

  3. I LOVE THE COVER!!! And I love YA books like adding to my TBR list! Great pick! Thanks for sharing! :D

    Here's My WoW post! 

    Btw...I am a new follower! :)

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  4. It does sound good. :) and cute. Now I want to know about Leo. I hope he is a sweet/fun character. :)

  5. Wow, this looks amazing. I hope you enjoy it! :)
    My WoW:

  6. Haven't heard of that one! Hope you enjoy it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Ya it sounds intense. I'm gonna add it to my list though. It kind of reminds me of Dreamland by sarah dessen. My WOW

  8. Sounds seriously intense! I'm not sure if I'll check it out, but I hope you enjoy it.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  9. Ooh I have never heard of this book before but it seems like the sort of thing I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

    New Follower.

    My WoW.
