
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (12)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week! I know I'm a day late for posting this, but working has completely taken up my time! So sorry for being late, but here's everything I got this past week! 

For Review

I was SO ecstatic when these two book showed up at my house this week. Both of them are highly anticipated YA novels that are coming out soon, so I absolutely can't wait to dig into them! And I've read some early reviews already and they're all pretty positive, so I'm betting I'm really going to love these ones!

From the library

I'm going on vacation next week, so I picked up a couple of fun reads I thought I would enjoy on the beach! I love sport romances, so I'm super excited to read Taking A Shot! And Kathy Love's other series was soooo good, so I was so excited to see she had another book out! Hopefully these will be good beach reads while I'm soaking up the sun next week :)


  1. Just finished Pushing the Limits and it was pretty good! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  2. I've heard so many great thing about Pushing the Limits. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on a copy. LOL Burn for Burn also looks very interesting. I think I heard of it, but it must have been a while back. I never heard of all the other but I'll check them out. Hope you enjoy. :D

  3. I LOVED Pushing the Limits, and you're so lucky you got Burn for Burn!
    Thanks for stopping by!:)

  4. Pushing the Limits is an amazing book. You will love it :D Burn for Burn has a pretty cover. Enjoy your books :D

  5. I just reviewed Pushing the Limits, it's really good, worthy of the buzz it's getting. Thanks for stopping by my blog. New follower =)

  6. I'm dying to read Burn for Burn! :D I hope you enjoy!

  7. Lucky butt!! I want to read Pushing the Limits! Taking a Shot was a definite steamy read the cover called to me and I practically drooled over those washboard abs. Romance +Hockey = perfection! ;)

  8. i got pushing the limits too!! burn for burn looks awesome too!

    My post is here:
    Sunday Shout Out

  9. OOh nice! Seeing lots of Pushing the Limits! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Pushing the Limits looks so good!

  11. I really wanna read Burn for Burn!! What a great week of books! I hope you enjoy them all! Happy Reading =)

    New follower =)
    Our Stacking the Shelves

  12. Ohh awesome haul! Those books look really good :)

    Jordon @ Miss Book Reviews

  13. Pushing the Limits was good! I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and Burn for Burn look awesome, I had never heard about it, I must add it to my tbr.

    Enjoy all of your books, happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog :)!

  14. I can't wait to get my hands on Pushing the Limits. I hope you love all your books!

  15. I'm super jealous of Burn for Burn that one looks super good and Pushing the Limits was...just...AMAZING! :) I hope you enjoy!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  16. I just read a great review for Pushing the Limits and now can't wait to read it. I look forward to what you think. Happy reading.

  17. Great set! I really enjoyed Pushing the Limits. I can't wait to read Burn for Burn.
    My Bookish Recap

  18. The only sport romance I've read was Nothing But Trouble by Rachel Gibbson. Also about hockey. Loved it, though I never watch hockey games :D
    Enjoy your books!
    Here's my StS post.

  19. I LOVED Pushing the Limits, I hope you like it! Mine: World of Books

  20. Burn for Burn looks really good. I'm on the fence about reading Pushing the Limits but a lot of bloggers have loved it so I will probably read it at some point. Have a great week!

  21. Great haul!
    I still haven't gotten round to continuing Jaci Burton's series. I've only read book #1 but I want to continue.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  22. AAAH Pushing the Limits is one of my fav books this year, if not ever! Awesome haul!!

    Xpresso Reads

  23. you have pushing the limits? that is one of my top ones i want to read. *sigh* you lucky girl. jealous. :)

  24. I loved Pushing the Limits and hope that you do too.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  25. Pushing the Limits was angsty and so good!! Great haul:) I am newest follower, check out my blog as well:)

  26. I have an ARC of Pushing The Limits sitting on my shelf! I'm hoping to read it at the end of this month. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM =)

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books
