
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (11)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week! I know I'm a day late for posting this, but working has completely taken up my time! So sorry for being late, but here's everything I got this past week! 

From the library

I am so excited because I picked up some AWESOME looking books this week at the library! I know Small Town Sinners is really old, but it looks so good that I picked it up when I saw it on the shelf. Flirting In Italian is one I've had my eye on for a while, so I knew I had to reserve it when it was released and it finally came in! Then, I read Magic Under Glass last year and really liked it, so I was so excited to see the second in the New Releases section. And last, but certainly not least, The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life just looks plain old awesome. Haha, so I had an excellent library week this week! 

From Barnes and Noble 

I had a 40% coupon for a paranormal romance book at Barnes and Noble, so OF COURSE I had to go! There were so many good books to choose from, but I finally settled on Dark Kiss. It sounded so good and the cover is gorgeous, so how could I resist? 

And that's all I added to my shelves this week! What about you all? I'd love to hear what you added to your shelves too! And I hope you all have lovely Sundays :)


  1. I read Flirting in Italian and I LOVE the cover and I really liked the story, too! :) I have Dark Kiss as well but I haven't read it yet and The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life also sounds really good! :) I hope you enjoy all of them!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  2. These are all new books to me. I absolutely LOVE the cover of Small Town Sinners! Great books this week! :)

  3. I always forget to see if the library has Flirting in Italian when I go there. I hear it was pretty good and definitely something fun and light. I want to go to Italy so bad someday! Happy reading! My Stacking the Shelves Post
    -Melissa @HarleyBearBooks

  4. OOh nice! ONly read Dark Kiss from these! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Been hearing good things about Dark Kiss. The rest not so much. Great haul.


  6. Been wanting to read Flirting in Italian for a while and I've heard great things about Dark kiss. Hope you enjoy! Check out my Stacking the Shelves: World of Books

  7. I really want to read The Best Night of Your Pathetic Life! It sounds hilarious! Awesome books this week :) Check out my shelves:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  8. Flirting in Italian and The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life both sound cute! Excited to read those eventually. :P Happy reading!

  9. Magic Under Stone looks so good :) Enjoy!

  10. I just finished The Best Night of Your Pathetic Life this week and oooh! Start with that one! It's sooo good. Also, can I just say your library must rock because you've got awesome books from there that are BRAND NEW! I wish my library were as awesome. :-/

    Happy reading! (And adorable blog!)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ack! Magic Under Stone! I totally forgot I was eagerly wanting a copy of this last year. I should really find one soon.

    Awesome books! Happy reading!

    Here's my Book Haul.

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  13. flirting in Italian looks awesome. I also want dark kiss, i hope you enjoy these. thanks for sharing
