
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (10)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week! I know I'm a day late for posting this, but working has completely taken up my time! So sorry for being late, but here's everything I got this past week! 

From Publisher/Author

I'm so excited for all of the books I got this week! I read Dragon Stones by Kristian Alva last summer and really loved it, so when I saw that she had already published the next two in the series, I had to ask her for the chance to review them! I'm super excited to see what happens next! The covers of Used to Be and Cursed both caught my attention and I knew I had to read them. I can't wait to read all of these books! Don't they look awesome?

That's all for me this week! How about you guys? What did you all get this week? I'd love to hear, so please share!! 


  1. I keep seeing Cursed. I need to see what it's all about apparently! Here's Our Week in Books at Libby Blog. Happy reading!

  2. These facts are really interesting. Few of them were well known for me but many of them were brand new for me too!
    I will print this one out and show to my friends because they will be definitely interested in that. Thanks!

  3. HAHA Used to Be's author shares my first name! I have to read that now! ;) Also, I'm really jealous of Cursed! It looks amazing and I requested an ARC and hopefully I'll get one... *Panics* Anyway, great haul!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  4. Nice! I am sooo upping my order of books again! Really really want to read Cursed! Might as well finish off my review pile since it's almost--finally--done! Then I can finally start reading the books I bought this year myself!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I like the look of Cursed!
    Happy reading :)

  6. Almost all of these I've never heard of for except Cursed. Jennifer L. Armentrout books are amazing.


  7. I haven't read anything by Eileen Cook but I really want to because I've heard awesome things about her books! I hope you enjoy everything. Here's my IMM =)

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books
