
Friday, July 27, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (49)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Summer reading! What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school? 


This book was absolutely one of my favorites when I was in high school! I had to read it the summer before my Junior year for AP Lit and I don't know why, but I loved it! Maybe it's because I love romances and this one is all about love and relationships. I actually have three copies of it now! Haha, I know that's too much, but I had the one I used for class, a new hardback one, and then the one that's in the picture. I really need to reread this one so that I can experience the story all over again!

And that's my favorite summer reading book! Hope you guys all have a good Friday :)


  1. I've always wanted to read Wuthering Heights, but haven't!! Thanks for stopping by my post, and I really, really love your blog design! It's so cute!

    New follower :D

    My FF

  2. This one is showing up a lot today. I have it on my Classics To Read list. Thanks for stopping by My FF

  3. I have never read this one, although I've seen the movie (I know it's not the same!)

    Liza’s Feature Friday

  4. I picked that one as well. I remember reading Wuthering Heights for an essay project. Loved it.

    My FF

  5. So glad you enjoyed this one! I haven't read it yet.

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  6. i haven't read this one yet! i need to go add it to my TBR list right away.

    trish - my ff

  7. Wuthering Heights is AWESOME!
    But I never had to read it for school!!!

    I am a new follower!

    Please come follow me back

  8. I love Wuthering Heights! But I hate it when the movies portray Heathcliff as some sort of romantic hero when really he's just a spiteful, downright nasty person.

    New follower!

  9. My favorite was Into The Wild. Actually made me cry a bit. Hah :)

    New follower!

    Andrea @ Literary Getaway

  10. Confession: I've never read it! It certainly wasn't on our reading lists at school. I've got a copy on my shelf but just haven't got around to it yet.

    I LOVE the style of the copy in the picture. Thanks for stopping by, new follower :)

  11. I know I have to get to it one day, but the size is intimidating, lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love yours, we have the same taste in books =)

  12. Wuthering Heights is a great choice! Happy Friday! My FF

  13. I read it but in Spanish and it's really good!
    3 Copies? I have 3 copies as well of the Little Prince.


    Old follower

  14. Good choice! I have to say I got kind of fed up with the love story because they are kind of whiny :-) Thanks for stopping by!

    Old follower.

    Ensconced in YA

  15. This is definitely one of the better classics I read in school. the only one I read 2 times. The more I read it the more I like it too!

    My FF

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  16. Great pick! I need to read this soon, it's just stupid that I haven't. Lol. Old follower!

    My FF:

  17. I tried reading this one for fun, but couldn't finish it. Glad you enjoyed it! Old follower.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Doodle @ Doodle's Book Blog

  18. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I still haven't read Wuthering Heights...

    Vanya D. @ YA Story Teller

  19. Wuthering Heights is another book that I really enjoyed but didn't read in school. For some reason we never read the classics that i liked that every other school read.
