
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (47)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place? 

Answer: You know what? I can't really pin point it to an exact moment. It all happened so fast that I don't really know what sparked my need to start a blog. I think I stumbled across some other book blogs and saw that publishers actually gave them books to review. I've been obsessed with reading for as long as I can remember, so figuring out there was the possibility to get books to review was out of this world...

So Peace Love Books was born! And over a year I gained more followers and more offers from publishers/authors...and I felt so totally cool :)

Because what some people saw as completely dorky made me so, utterly cool online. Haha, just kidding...I'm so far from cool it's not even funny. But I've found something that I'm really passionate about and have stuck with for over a year! I've discovered so many amazing new books, authors, and just people in general that I couldn't even imagine my life without my blog. Every time I post something new I feel like doing a little dance because being able to share my feelings about books just makes me so happy :)

And that's why/how I started book blogging :)


  1. LOL nothing wrong with that, I know I'm dorky when it comes to talking about books and I am proud of it.


    My FF

  2. LOVING THE GIFS!!! Having a book blog is the perfect place to talk about books all day and not be a dork LOL
    Old follower :D

  3. I love when authors contact me to review their books! It's an awesome feeling :)

    My Follow Friday:

    Lisa @ Shatterbooks

  4. That's what I love: the passion for books.

    Happy Friday!

    My FF

  5. No, I actually agree with the dorky part. I think, it's like.. In Real Life you have to be all controlled. If you're passionate about something or overly enthusiastic, people will look at you as if you are crazy. (And yeah, so maybe I am, but still.) But on the internet, people will "look" at you, if you aren't. Sometimes that's bothersome, but in general.. Well, bookblogging is awesome.

    Patricia // My Hop

  6. I love blogging, I'm still new, but it has been a lot of fun! New follower! Hope you have a great weekend!
    Chrystina @BookLiaison

  7. Nice! I still don't get that many books from publishers! Wish I did, I would be ever so happy! But I get the occasional book and it always makes my day!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    I was a featured blogger!!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. A good answer, have a great Friday!

  9. Awhhhh, I love the pictures <3 Despicable me! She is so adorable ^^

  10. I think we're all kinda dorky about books - but it's what makes us all ridiculously awesome of course. :) New follower through the blog hop, here's my FF:
