
Monday, July 2, 2012

Blogspiration (10)

This is a new meme I found hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz101. Bloggers post something that inspires them every week and shares it with their followers! I love this idea, so I decided to try it out! Every Monday I'll share a picture/quote/video of something (most likely book related) that's inspired me this week :) 

hahaha this is totally true for me. One time at school, I was reading a really good book and it was like 2 am on a Tuesday night and I had about 10 pages left in my book. The fire alarm went off and everyone had to go outside in the freezing cold and everyone was so mad they were woken up and all they wanted to do was go back to sleep. Me? I was mad because I had 10 pages left and all I wanted to do was go back and finish my book! Twenty minutes later, when everyone else went back inside and to bed, I finally finished my book :) But lack of sleep has definitely been attributed to my need to finish a book :) 


  1. So true!!!!
    I love this meme I will participate next week it sound like one I will enjoy.

    BTW I love reading bookfessions tumblr, because I agree with every single one :D

  2. I like this meme, but I'm so busy so I don't do it. But I totally agree with your inspiration. I cannot put a book down once I hit the climax. From there, no matter what, I just have to finish it!
