
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Book Review: Nice Girls Don't Live Forever by Molly Harper

Nice Girls Don't LIve Forever
By Molly Harper
Release Date: December 29, 2009
Nothing sucks the romance out of world travel like a boyfriend who may or may not have broken up with you in a hotel room in Brussels. Jane Jameson's sexy sire Gabriel has always been unpredictable, but the seductive, anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their international vacation, coupled with his evasive behavior over the past few months, finally push Jane onto the next flight home to Half Moon Hollow -- alone, upset, and unsure whether Gabriel just ended their relationship without actually telling her. Now the children's-librarian-turned-vampire is reviving with plenty of Faux Type O, some TLC from her colorful friends and family, and her plans for a Brave New Jane. Step One: Get her newly renovated occult bookstore off the ground. Step Two: Support her best friend, Zeb, and his werewolf bride as they prepare for the impending birth of their baby...or litter. Step Three: Figure out who's been sending her threatening letters, and how her hostile pen pal is tied to Gabriel. Because for this nice girl, surviving a broken heart is suddenly becoming a matter of life and undeath....

Review: Jane Jameson is freaking awesome. After reading three books about her, I still can't get enough of this girl. In this third book in the Nice Girls Don't series, Jane is back in full force in her all her new-born (or newly dead...) vampire glory. 

In this book, Jane and Gabriel's relationship is more strained than ever while Zeb just learned Jolene was pregnant. Talk about relationship dramas. The book starts off with Jane and Gabriel on a romantic getaway, but the romance quickly turns strained when strange letters await Gabriel every place they go. And Jane has no idea who they're from or what they say. Is it the mysterious Jeanine from the second book? Evil vampires? Jane has no idea and it's slowly tearing them apart as Gabriel becomes even more closed off. 

Despite the hardships in her life, Jane is still the quirky, fun character we all know and love. She's finally opening her book shop while being there for all of her friends. Not only is Jane lovable, all of her friends are awesome too. Dick and Andrea are SO cute together and Zeb and Jolene are adorable. 

Now that the whole vampire craze has gone away, I'm so happy this series isn't the same old cliche vampire story that everyone grew tired of. This story is quirky, fun, and just full out fabulous. I can't wait to read the next book in this series and see what Jane has in store for us next!


  1. Aaaw I hate it when people say things like 'nice girls always finish last's something completely stupid and inaccurate like that -.- It's not true!! Jane is a great character!

  2. There are some interesting points in time in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article, thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well

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