
Friday, May 18, 2012


Today, Peace Love Books officially turned one year old! Oh my goodness I can't believe I've been blogging that long! It seems like just yesterday I only had 50 followers and I was working my heart out to get more. This experience has been so amazing and has helped me share my love of reading and connect with so many other avid readers!

I've loved to read ever since I could remember, but it wasn't until last year that I discovered book blogs. First, I found Goodreads for the first time last Februrary and was in awe of how amazing it was. Then, it wasn't until a couple of months later that I discovered book blogs. I spent hours looking online at the different sites and thought, why can't I do this? So one night, after all of my AP tests were done and I was in the home stretch of my senior year of college, Peace Love Books was born. 

After an entire year of blogging, I have read a countless number of books, gained 1,003 GFC followers, gained 462 Twitter followers, and gained 171 Goodreads friends. I am so shocked that I finally reached the 1,000 follower mark! I have met so many amazing people and I want to thank all of you for making this experience unforgettable. 

Even though there have been so many amazing moments while I've been bogging, whether from a surprising number of people commenting on one of my posts or someone emailed me saying they loved my blog (which seriously makes my day), I have definitely had some down moments. And those down moments include HUGE amounts of jealousy towards other successful bloggers. I know we all love to read, but I couldn't help but feel jealous when I saw bloggers receiving tons of amazing books from publishers on their IMM posts while I was having no luck. But you know what I realized? Blogging isn't about the free books. It's about being able to share those amazing books you've read with other amazing people who are just as passionate about reading as you are. It took some time to figure it out, but once I got over my tireless need to be the best at everything, I enjoyed blogging so much more. 

So I want to thank everyone, again, for such an amazing first year! I couldn't have come this far without each and every one of you. And now I can't wait for all of the years to come :)


  1. Aaaw Jessica, what a sweet and wonderful post!! :) Congrats on reaching the 1,000 follower mark, and I'm sure you're gonna have way more as time passes. Your blog is awesome and I really enjoy reading all of your lovely posts. <3 Thanks for being so sweet and amazing! :) And good luck with everything blog-ish... I'm sure you are going to do great things.

    Riya (The Teen Book Guru)

  2. Thank you so much Riya! Your comments always make me smile :)

  3. Happy Blogoversay!!

    I can't believe it's been a year! It feels longer to me somehow! Can't imagine how you feel about its length!!

    Blogging is very fun, I've become vastly addicted with each passing year and I hope you continue to blog and have fun with it!

  4. Happy Bloggoversary! I always love to read your posts and am looking forward to what the next year of blogging will bring for you!
