
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-thon

I found this read-a-thon literally 15 minutes ago from Bout of Books and I thought it sounded super fun! So why not join in? I've never done an official read-a-thon before, so I'm excited to see how many books I can read in a week! Here's my plan! 

My Goal:

To read 8 books in 7 days. I've done it before, but I'm so busy this week, so it's going to be a challenge. Hopefully I can do it! 


I'll be switching off between one book from the library/shelf and one book for review. Ahhh I hope I can do this! I'll post an update at the end of each day to see how well I'm doing! Want to join in on the fun? Sign up here! Good luck to all who are participating and happy reading :)


  1. Great list of books. Glad you decided to join the fun. Good luck!

  2. I've always wanted to read Juliet Immortal ! Great list.
