
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Tour/Review: Saving You Saving Me By Kailin Gow

Saving You Saving Me 
By Kailin Gow
Release Date: April 16, 2012
Summary: 18 year old high school senior and aspiring psychologist Samantha Sullivan (Sam) never thought she would fall for the one mysterious guy she has been speaking to over the phone for months, the boy the counselors called Daggers. She wasn't supposed to talk to him outside of their sessions. But as she began to peel the layers of Daggers and learn who he is, the one boy she is supposed to be saving, might just be the one who is saving her. 

Saving You Saving Me inspired the Saving You Saving Me Project found at:

The Saving YOU Saving ME Project was inspired by the book, which tells the story of Samantha (Sam) Sullivan, who becomes a peer counselor at a teen and young adult crisis center called Sawyer House. The Saving YOU Saving ME Project tries to replicate the atmosphere of Sawyer House by allowing a place for teens through adults a place to share their issues anonymously and in doing so, might be able to help others learn from it or might receive feedback from people about what to do.

Review: I really really really wanted to like this book more than I did, but at the end I just felt like it was okay. One of my biggest pet peeves when reading a book is unrealistic dialogue and I felt like a majority of the dialogue in this book was just not believable. 

Sam is likable enough, but the way she's constantly described as "mature for her age" and being so gorgeous got annoying. How likely is it that every single man in her life was in love with her? She's only 18 yet a 27-year-old, a 24-year-old, and a 21-year-old were in love with her. Even though she's mature for her age, that doesn't mean that every guy she runs into should instantly love her.

Working at a teen help phone center, Sam has many conversations with troubled teens. There's real emotion and problems discussed in the book, but the way those conversations go seem too perfectly scripted and not realistic enough. It's a cool added aspect towards Sam's character, I just wish they talked like normal teens would talk.

I loved Collins' whole batboy image, but I hated his secret addiction that stemmed from his childhood. And who the heck makes a girl sign a contract that she has to be reachable 24/7? He sounds crazy, not needy. I wish his problems weren't so extreme and just plain weird. I don't want to give anything away, but the last thing he wanted Sam to agree to on his Girlfriend Contract was not what I was expected nor what I wanted at all.

The idea for this story was cute and held a lot of potential, but the overall experience just fell short for me. I got the emotions and the depth to Sam and Collins' relationship, but some things just were not realistic. Maybe the next book will be better!

To check out the other stops for the tour, click here

1 comment:

  1. I felt THE EXACT SAME WAY. I love your review!
