
Sunday, April 1, 2012

In My Mailbox (30)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From the Library

I was SO excited when I saw this at the local library at school. At home, I'm number 150 on the waiting list while when I was looking around at the other library, there were TWO copies sitting on the shelf! Even though I barely have time to read any more libraries books, I knew I had to make room. I can't wait to see how Sophie Kinsella's new book turns out!

I'm going home for Easter next week and I know I have TONS of good books waiting for me, so next week's IMM is going to be so awesome. So make sure to check back next week for the real goodies I get! 


  1. WHOA, 150!? Glad you found it at the other library- that's awesome! I heard it was really good! Hope you enjoy it! Can't wait to see what you have waiting for you at home next week! :D

  2. Never heard of this book. Libraries are awesome. Great job. Come visit me as well.


  3. I love Sophie Kinsella's books!! I hope you enjoy this one :)

    Happy reading and check out my in my mailbox!!

  4. Never heard of this one, looks interesting though.

    My IMM @BloodSweatandBooks

  5. I really need to read this! I love Sophie Kinsella's books:)

  6. I haven't read a Sophie Kinsella novel before, I'll have to have a look at one, everyone seems to love her books. Glad you found it!

    Come visit My very first IMM.

  7. WOoHoo!! Gotta love it when that happens :) So glad you ere able to get your hands on a book you've been dying to read...

    You can check out my IMM video and post for this week at the link below :) Happy Reading!!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  8. I really want to get into Sophie Kinsella because I have heard such awesome things about her!

    Great IMM!

    -Marybeth P.

  9. I've been waiting for that from my library, there was a long request queque! I can't wait to hear if you like it or not!

    Here's my IMM

  10. heard great things about i got your number. can't wait to read it myself :)

    my IMM this week.


  11. LOVED that book! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  12. Wow!! That's quite the line-up for a book!!!! Lol. ENJOY!!!!-Burgandy Ice

  13. This is my favourite Sophie Kinsella book!! The American cover looks pretty cool, hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

  14. YES!! LOL I know what you mean -- sometimes when I have a book on hold at the library, I'm such a far number that it feels like I'm not going to read it for forever... but then it comes sooner that I could've guessed (in which I always cheer)! :) And who doesn't love Sophie Kinsella? I seriously adore everything she's written! <3

    Awesome mailbox this week, Jessica! I hope you enjoy this one! :)

  15. This book looks really great! I've read a few books by Sophie. I loved them all! Especially "The Undomestic Goddess" :) That was a great one! :)

  16. I've heard such good things about Sophie Kinsella, and especially I've Got Your Number - I think I need to track down a copy for my summer holiday!

    Have a great week! Thanks for stopping by :-D

  17. I've only read a couple Kinsella's but I've enjoyed them. She's entertaining. Thanks for visiting, and happy reading!

  18. I want this book so bad! I have no idea why it's so expensive right now. Maybe I should go on my library's waiting list also... I hope you love it!

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  19. I haven't read anything by this author so you have me super curious..heading to GR

  20. I've never heard of her! Thanks for the recommendation.

    Shannon @ Readergirl Reviews a Teen Book

  21. I love Sophie kinsella! I've been looking for this at the library every week. I'll have to come back and see your review. Enjoy! And thanks for visiting my blog today

  22. I'll have to look this book up since I'm not familiar. You gotta love library books though. I tend to always end up number 150 in all the new releases. And I figure I have time to lessen my tbr pile while I wait. Problem is all of the books you placed holds on tend to become available all at the same time. Grr... Still love my library though.

    Thanks for visiting my IMM.

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your background images!! :o)

  24. I just love Sophie Kinsella! I think I like the non-shopahaulic books better, but those are still fun! Enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting my IMM!


  25. Don't you just LOVE libraries, I get many of my digital books from the library on-line. Its just incredible the selection they have. So glad you got a book you really wanted. Enjoy!

  26. thats awesome that you found it at another library. i hate having to wait for books through the library. i am currently waiting on "fever" by Lauren DeStefano. now i am only like 6th in line but it feels like it's taking forever... only downside is this is for all of the libraries in the area so i have no other libraries to go to for it. :(

    thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  27. I still need to read one of her books - she is an author that I want to get to .... some day. *sigh*

    Thanks for stopping by The Book Bag!

  28. I love when you walk in and there's an awesome book you're dying to read staring you in the face. Happy reading!

  29. I've heard this one is great :) And me as well as you have a lot of books waiting for me back home :P

  30. Wow! I really hate waiting lists. Glad you found another copy!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  31. Ooh, I've heard great things about this book! It's awesome that you stumbled upon it. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by! =)

  32. I've had that happen to me before. I was on a very long waiting list for a book and when I went to the library's book sale they had the book for $1! I was pretty happy about that :o)

  33. how funny I just ordered that book recently. I can't wait to read it, I love Kinsella's books she is amazing. Happy Reading & Happy Easter

  34. I love Sophie Kinsella'! Her Shopaholic series is so, so funny. I hope you enjoy this one!

  35. That is one lonnnnng waiting list! I haven't read any of Sophie's books but I want to.

  36. I really want to read this!!! That's great you found it at the library!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  37. Hi, Jessica! You won my weekly comment giveaway! I emailed you the list of book to choose from! Congrats!

  38. I think the waiting list at my library wouldn't go over 10 for any book lol. Glad you got it, and hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

  39. I haven't read any Kinsella so far, but I plan to change that. Happy Reading!!

    Patricia // My IMM

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I adore Sophie Kinsella's books. I haven't read this one yet. I was first on the waiting list at the library but I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it in time so I had to get back on the waiting list. *sigh* it's gonna be a while! haha Hope you enjoy it! :)

  41. I haven't heard of this one but hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing next weeks haul :)

  42. Wow 150 ppl. on hold! You must be stoked you found it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  43. I love Sophie Kinsella! I haven't read this one yet, but I hope you enjoy it. When I put reserves in at the library it seems I wait forever and then all of a sudden they all come in at once! Can't wait to see what goodies you get next week. :-)
    Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your reading!

  44. 150 o.O Wow that's a big number. You must be thrilled to finally be able to read it. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  45. Hi Jessica! A fellow blogger just told me about this. It's a sign: I must check this one out. Enjoy your book!

    Here's My IMM. :)

  46. S O jealous! I really want to read this one too. :) And I'm looking forward to your next week's IMM!

    Happy reading and thank you so much for stopping by!
    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  47. I love Sophie..She's kind of awesome. I'm currently reading this one too. Can't wait to hear what you think!
    Giselle from
    In My Mailbox
