
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (35)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What is the one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaptation of because you think the movie would never live up to the book? 

Answer: I've actually got two. They are...

Both of these books were AWESOME but I just can't see movies doing them justice. Nothing could ever really capture the massive ship they're on in Across the Universe. Also, nothing could really capture the intense society and emotions at the end of Divergent. Both of these books were such an amazing experience when reading them and I just don't see a movie doing it justice. Just like Twilight completely ruined the books. I LOVED the books and the movies were just ridiculous (specifically the last one). I hope if they do make movies, they end up as awesome as the Hunger Games did! 

***Don't forget to enter my two AWESOME giveaways going on right now***


  1. I think Divergent could either be really awesome or terrible! I think Across the Universe would be tricky to adapt, especially how everyone is monoethnic! Great picks. :)

  2. new follower! Across the Universe is on my TBR list and Divergent was my pick too!

    HG movie gave me hope that divergent could possibly be good as a movie :)

    TRISH - My FF

  3. Yes. Just like Haymitch, I approve (lol)! I would be extremely nervous if both those fantastic books came to the big screen. I have this friend who refuses to go see any movie that is based on a book because she does not want to see it ruined. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend! Happy reading!

  4. Hi there :) just hopping through.

    Across the Universe would be very hard to replicate.

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  5. Since you like to read, I wondered if you might be interested in learning more about cryptic crosswords. If so, this is a link to a post I did recently on cryptic crossword clues that involve anagrams. Cryptic Crossword Clues - Anagrams

  6. Hopping through. I haven't read either book, but I would be especially nervous about Across the Universe from what I know of it.
    My Hop

  7. I totally agree with you. Not that I know these books, but because a lot of books couldnt be on the big screen because it would ruin the story. Just like the twilight series. The books are great but the movies are a big flop in my opinion.

    If you like to see My FFF you can click on it.


  8. I think it's very hard to make a movie have the same feel as a book. I'm one who very much makes a book visual in my head and when I go to the movie, they got it all wrong. Well at least, I just didn't see it that way. Happy Friday!

    Here's my FF

  9. I think Divergent would be really hard to make and it would be hard to capture the atmosphere. As for across the universe, they would probably use CGI to make an awesome ship!

    My FF

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  10. Oh, I don't really think AtU or Divergent would be good movie-material. I mean, yeah, they are, but at the same time.. I have picutres in my mind, and the movies will probably not live up to my expectations. XD

    Patricia // My FF

  11. In the same way that I was nervous about The Hunger Games I would probably be nervous about Divergent since it is set so strongly in story but I think that I could survive. I agree with Elena in the first comment that it would either be really awesome or really terrible.

    New follower
    Leila | The Fiction Pixie

  12. I agree with both of those books 100%. I think that if they are turned into movies they will either be really AWESOME or just suck pond sludge. Love the Haymitch graphic!

    Old Follower

  13. OMG I SO agree with your choices... and the worst part is that they are suggesting actresses for Tris who just don't look anything like her (or how I imagine she would look). Humph

    -Riya :) The Teen Book Guru

  14. Both books are amazing! I would be more nervous about Across the Universe just because of the complicated setting. Great answer!

    Old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  15. I agree especially across the universe. Here is my answer ..... Have a great weekend.
