
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Book Review: How to Ravish a Rake by VIcky Dreiling

How to Ravish a Rake
By Vicky Dreiling 
Release Date: March 27, 2012

Amy Hardwick has one last Season to shake off her wallflower image and make a love match. If she can't, she'll set aside her dreams of romance and return home to a suitor who can provide security-if little else. What she doesn't count on is the inappropriate-and irresistible-attention lavished on her in a darkened library by rake extraordinaire Will "The Devil" Darcett . . .


When Will is caught in a tryst with the ton's shyest miss, he knows he must offer for her hand. Yet Amy is not the shrinking violet she seems to be. Passion lies beneath her prim exterior and Will is eager to release it. But winning Amy isn't simply a matter of seduction; first, Will must convince her that he's mended his wicked ways . . .

Review: As many of you know, historical romances are one of my all-time favorite romances, so I knew I was going to like this one. I mean, look at the cover! So, as you can probably guess, I really enjoyed How to Ravish a Rake!

No matter what historical romance I read, I always love the main character. Amy is just an awesome heroine and I loved her whole story. She was used to being the "wallflower" at the balls, but this season she has come out of her shell and is determined to change. The fact that she designs such gorgeous dresses is a really cool added aspect onto her character, making me like her even more (especially since I'm in love with the dress she's wearing on the cover!). And her friends are a really great part of the story. The main characters often don't have best friends, so Georgette was a great character to get to know and hear about her own romance troubles. Amy's relationship with Will (aka the Devil) is what made me really like this book.

They're relationship in the beginning is all about Will taunting Amy, calling her "Red" and just being his normal devilish self. But when he really starts to care about her is when I really start to fall for him. They're just so cute together and I couldn't get enough of them!

I love the whole world Vicky Dreiling created with the societal rules of that era. With the women having their "seasons" to find a husband, there's always drama when they want to find the one who gives them butterflies instead of listen to their stubborn, no-nonsense mothers. As much as I wish I could go back to this time period and wear the fancy dresses and attend the balls myself, I guess I have to be contempt with reading about it (which is perfectly okay with me if they end up being as awesome as this book!).

I haven't read any of the other books in this series, but How to Ravish a Rake was great on it's own. If you're a fan of historical romances like me, pick this one up! I know I'm going to be checking out the rest of the books in this series as soon as I can :)


  1. AMAZING review!!!

    I love this blog! New follower! :) Do you mind checking out mine?...

    Beth xx

  2. I loved the first two books in this series and I'm sure this one will also be amazing. Can't wait to read it to see what happens between Amy and Will. Thanks for the great review.

    Joanne B

  3. Great review!! This book sounds awesome :D

  4. Thank you for the wonderful review! I had so much fun writing HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Vicky Dreiling
