
Friday, April 27, 2012

Book Review: Belles by Jen Calonita

By Jen Calonita 
Release Date: April 10, 2012
Summary: Fifteen-year-old Isabelle Scott loves her life by the boardwalk on the supposed wrong side of the tracks in North Carolina. But when tragedy strikes, a social worker sends her to live with a long-lost uncle and his preppy privileged family. Isabelle is taken away from everything she’s ever known, and, unfortunately, inserting her into the glamorous lifestyle of Emerald Cove doesn’t go so well. Her cousin Mirabelle Monroe isn’t thrilled to share her life with an outsider, and, in addition to dealing with all the rumors and backstabbing that lurk beneath their classmates’ Southern charm, a secret is unfolding that will change both girls’ lives forever.

Review: I love love love YA contemporaries, so I was so excited to have the chance to review this book. And you know what? It was AWESOME! 

This book is like a mixture between The Clique series by Lisa Harrison and the Private series by Kate Brian (who's actually quoted on the back), and those two series happened to have been my favorite at some point in my life. So it's no surprise I stayed up all night reading this until I was finished!

Ever since the first page I really liked Izzie. She's so down to earth and she's someone that you can't help but like, no matter what she does. Then, when you hear about her past and how she has to move in with her distant Uncle (who happens to be running for senator and has three kids already, including a super popular daughter the same age as her) because her Grandma can't even remember her name, you know you have to root for her throughout the entire story.

I felt really conflicted on wether I like Mira (the popular daughter) or not, because she was nasty when she was around Savannah (her best friend who I hated) but she knew what she was doing was wrong. I really started to like her, though, when she started to realize her life was so fake, even though she was popular and dating the quarterback of the football team. It was cool how she had a secret passion for art and always wanted to be in the art studio instead of being the plastic barbie best friend and girlfriend.

There were so many new things thrown in Izzie's way (usually thrown by the evil Savannah) and I just couldn't get enough of the story (especially when it came to the rocky relationship between Izzie and Brayden, who happens to be someone Izzie DEFINITELY shouldn't be with). And a twist thrown in the end was SO unexpected that my mouth was actually gaping. Maybe I was too oblivious to have realized it, but I was shocked. Only awesome books have the ability to shock me that much and this one sure did.

You know what else I loved about this book? The cover! It's gorgeous! Underneath the cover jacket, it's a picture of the girl and a bunch of the pink flowers. And I love the idea of the title. Mira's full name is Mirabelle and Izzie's is Isabelle, so they're the Belles. Haha, clever right? Well I thought it was! If you haven't had the chance, go grab this book! It's awesome!


  1. I cannot wait to get this book :) I am so glad you loved it and now it just makes me want to read it more!

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

  2. I've been hearing many good things about BELLES lately and your great review just made me want to read it even more. :D Sounds like a really fun read! :)

    Fictional Distraction

  3. I love Jen Calonita's books! Her Secrets of My Hollywood Life series is one of my favorite chick-lit series, so I'm really excited to try this new book of hers! Looks really good!

    Check out my book blog/follow me sometime!

  4. Thanks for sharing your review! I haven't looked much into this book because I've seen some bad reviews about it, but now I think I might have to add it to my wishlist! :)

  5. I love Jen Calonita! My copy of Belles is going to arrive soon and I can't wait to dig in! Thanks for the great review. :)

    -Riya (The Teen Book Guru)

  6. Great review!! I really look forward to reading Belles and I'm glad to hear that you loved it! Savannah makes me nervous, from what I've heard about her!

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  7. I am so excited to read Belles. After reading your review, I'm convinced it's a book I need to own, not just check out at the library. Fabulous review--thank you for making me even more excited about this book!

  8. Aaahhh!! I am so happy you liked it. I got a copy from Hachette and I can't wait to read it. You make it sound FANTASTIC!! :D

    Great review!!

