
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (35)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of! 

The List
By Siobhan Vivian
Release Date: April 1, 2012
Summary: An intense look at the rules of high school attraction—and the price that’s paid for them. 

It happens every year. A list is posted, and one girl from each grade is chosen as the prettiest, and another is chosen as the ugliest. Nobody knows who makes the list. It almost doesn’t matter. The damage is done the minute it goes up. 

This is the story of eight girls, freshman to senior, “pretty” and “ugly.” And it’s also the story of how we see ourselves, and how other people see us, and the tangled connection of the two.

Doesn't this sound awesome? And isn't the cover awesome? Everything about this books sounds soooooo good! It sounds like Gossip Girl where there's one person that can either make or break you in high school...and I'm really excited to see how the girls in the book deal with the list! The summary doesn't say anything about the protagonist, so I'm wondering if she's going to be the prettiest or the ugliest (I'm guess it's the latter based on the shock on the cover). I don't know, but I can't wait to find out! It comes out next week, so I guess I don't have to wait long! 

Peace Love Books

***Don't forget to check out my new pen pal program and join in on the fun!!!


  1. Haven't heard of that one! Hope you enjoy it once it releases!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I haven't heard of this book but the story sounds definitely interesting. This was something that was covered in the news quite a bit not that long ago. Kids having these kinds of list on social media and such. It would be interesting to read it from the kids point of view.

    My WoW

  3. I don't have a WoW, but this sounds like a good contemp YA, thanks for sharing :-)

  4. I can't wait for this release :D I haven't read anything from the author but from what I see this should be really good :)

  5. I'm really looking forward to this oen!! It looks really good :)

    Thanks for stopping by!!

  6. I don't usually read books like this but this one looks amazing!!! Can't wait for the release :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. This one seems interesting, and really sad for the "ugly" girls. I love the cover! Great Pick! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my WOW today!!

  8. It does sound really good. You bring up a great point about not knowing who's perspective we will hear the story from, the pretty one or the ugly one. Would be kinda cool if it were dual narrative, though, too.

  9. I'm looking forward to this one too! I like contemps and I heard it was pretty good. :)

  10. I wasn't looking forward to this one after reading the summary for the first time, but I think I am now - something about this premise just latches on and makes you want to know WHY. Nice pick!

    Thanks for visiting my WoW today!

  11. I saw this one before and it really sounds cute!! Looking forward this one!

  12. I'm excited for this book too! :D

  13. I've heard of this one before it sounds cute.

    My WoW@BloodSweatandBooks

  14. The cover is really pretty! But I don't like that it's about 8 girls, so I guess no "real" main character...

  15. This book sounds really good, but I do agree with Cayce! :)
    Thanks for visiting!

  16. I haven't read (or watched) any Gossip Girl, but I like the idea behind this story!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  17. I have been eyeing this one, I think I will have to get it when it comes out, too! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. I have seen this one a lot. Looks intense. Great choice! thanks for stopping by my wow!

  19. Never heard of this one. Super cool! Thanks! :DDD

  20. I saw this for the first time today. It sounds intriguing, like all the worst part of high school, but I'd be looking in at it rather than living it :-)

  21. This does sound good! Girls can be so catty. Great pick. Thanks for stopping by.

  22. ooh! That looks like a great pick! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. oohhh I haven't heard of this one! Thanks so much for sharing. It sounds good!

    Giselle @
    Waiting on Wednesday

  24. Oooooh. I saw the cover on my Goodreads newsfeed, but haven't really checked it out yet. Sounds good!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  25. This is one I'm excited about to! I hope you get it sooner than later:)

  26. This one sounds really good. Interesting to see which list she's on :)

  27. I keep seeing this book everywhere! It sounds like a great contemporary read.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  28. When I was in middle school (LONG, LONG ago) we had "slam books" where you essentially passed it around and answered the questions. Some were harmless(fave song, color, etc.) other questions, NOT so nice (who's the prettiest, ugliest, smelliest, etc.) It's terrible when I think about it now! I'm going to have to check this out, thanks for putting it on my radar:)

  29. this one is going to my WOW right now! LOL
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW. :)

  30. I've heard a lot about this one. Sounds kind of interesting but not really my kind of story. Thanks for stopping by!

  31. I had this on my last weeks WOW, can't wait! :) Just sounds awesome!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by!

    Monaliz @ Mind Reading?

  32. Have added this to my tbr list. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW.

  33. This sounds really interesting, I wonder how the girls deal with it - good pick, thanks for the rec :)

  34. I really want to read this too, I've heard great things about it!

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  35. Huh, sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by Geek Chic!!

  36. This sounds great! Thanks for posting, adding to my TBR.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. =)

  37. Wow, this sounds like a nice contemporary read! Great choice, I think I might check this out! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  38. Looks really good and the description just makes me want to read it now! Disappointed because there are some reviews and a lot of them are negative! Really hope it is good as the concept and the idea is really good!

  39. I haven't heard of that one. I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Leslie @ Working for the Mandroid
