
Sunday, March 18, 2012

In My Mailbox (28)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From the Library

I FINALLY got Wither from the library and seriously can't wait to read it! And I've heard great things about Legend, so I'm excited to see how that one turns out. Dystopian has become huge and I've got to say it's a pretty good genre! So hopefully both of these are fun reads! And then there's The Iron Duke. It's a steampunk romance, which I'm very intrigued about because I've never actually read a steampunk novel before. I'm hoping it's good because I've heard a lot of people like that genre! Look at me branching out away from my contemporary novels :)

That's it for me! What did you all get in your mailboxes this week? Please share!

***Don't forget to check out my giveaway of The Taker by Alma Katsu right here***


  1. I can be quite picky about the book I read but WITHER was really good, it is worth all the praise it gets.

  2. Lovely haul! Gotta love libraries. I hope you will enjoy Wither and Legend as much as I did - they both have flaws, but overall they're pretty solid dystopias.

    Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM. ♥
    Check my international giveaway!

  3. Nice! Only read Wicked from these, it was all right, not totally a read for me. I hope you enjoy all of your new reads though!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I can't wait to read Legend & Wither! I hope you enjoy everything! Here's my IMM!'

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Really enjoyed Legend! Hope you do too. I've also read Wither, it's a good story as well.

    Happy reading!

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  6. Oh, Wither is so good! I've also heard really great things about Legend but I haven't read it yet!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Chloe @ YA Booklover Blog

  7. I absolutely adored Wither, I hope you do too! I agree, dystopian is one good genre! I hope you enjoy all of your new books! =]

  8. I still have Wither and Fever sitting in my TBR pile. I wish I could read faster than I do. LOL

    Great IMM!

  9. I liked both The Iron Duke and Whisper. I have heard good things about Legend too and will be eager to hear what you think about it. Happy reading!

  10. Legend and Wither are both great books! Just read Legend last week! Happy Reading!

  11. Wither is awesome! I have been wanting to check out Legend as well because I am loving dystopian. I haven't read any steampunk yet, but I am intrigued, so I can't wait to see what you think of The Iron Duke!

  12. Wither looks so great!
    thanks for stopping by!
    BTW I'm followin you now!

  13. I have just finished Wither and I loved it more than what I expected to do.
    I really want to read Legend.

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM

  14. Great set! I enjoyed Wither. I want to read Legend.
    My IMM

  15. Your library is awesome!

    Enjoy your books!

    Jenny at Books to the Sky

  16. Loved Legend - hope you do as well!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  17. I loved Legend and Wither great books Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. Legend and Wither are everywhere! I really want to pick up my own copies, just to see what everyone is talking about! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, and I would love to hear what you think about them!(:


  19. Ohmygosh! You're going to love Wither (or at least, I did!) Great bunch of books! Enjoy!


    (thanks for visiting my IMM!)

  20. I love when I finally get books from the library! These all look like great reads. I also wanted to say I really like your picture for the IMM meme, it's different than the ones I usually see on other blogs :)

    My IMM post is here

  21. I wish our library here would carry YA books. I've read Wither and I had reservations at first since I've never had dystopian before. But I liked it.

    Thanks for stopping by. ^_^

  22. I loved both Legend and Wither. Hope you do to! Thanks for visiting and happy reading!

  23. Nice looking books this week, happy reading :)

  24. I hadn't heard of The Iron Duke. Looks good! Awesome cover.

  25. Nice haul! I really want to read Legend, too! And FYI, I'm currently co-hosting and participating in a Wither/Fever read-along event, and you should totally participate! Here's the link for more info if you're interested: Catch Wither Fever Read-Along Event. Happy reading!

  26. Information
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    I’d have to check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!
